My Hero of the Year


I must say I am super super glad that I voted for this woman.

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs signed two pro-LGBTQ+ executive orders on Tuesday.

  • One of the orders bars state agencies from funding and promoting conversion therapy treatment for minors.
  • The other will make sure the state employee health care plan covers gender affirmation surgeries that are deemed medically necessary.

Since being elected to office in January Governor Hobbs has vetoed 111 frivolous and obnoxious bills proposed by a right-wing Republican dominated legislature in Arizona.  The bills or executive orders that she has signed have been ones that promote democracy and compassion for Arizona citizens.

Here are two examples of bills that she has vetoed:

  • A bill forcing cities to hold gun shows
  • A bill mandating that banks open accounts for gun manufacturers

For a complete list of the ridiculous asinine bills proposed by the Republicans in Arizona see:

Every bill Gov. Katie Hobbs has vetoed so far and why  —  JUNE 27, 2023 3:30PM


5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. jennygirl1278
    Jun 28, 2023 @ 10:59:08

    I only wish we had her for our state’s Governor! She’s my hero!!!!



    • Dr. John Persico Jr.
      Jun 28, 2023 @ 12:29:43

      We need more people with guts like she has in politics. Instead of sycophants and ass kissers like most of them are.



  2. Trackback: My Hero of the Year | Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News
  3. Wayne Woodman
    Jun 28, 2023 @ 20:58:45

    Wow, I didn’t know that state governors had that power.



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