The Abominable War on Gaza


Let me make this very clear.  I voted for Clinton, Obama, Hillary, and Biden.  This is not to say that I have always been fond of the Democratic Party.  However as compared to the Republican Party, I view the Democratic Party as more willing to spend money on education, health care and needed social programs for the poor and needy in America and the World.

However, where I draw the line on the Democratic Party and where I see little or no difference with the Republicans comes down to their attitudes on supporting the military and the armament industry as the answer to all the world’s problems.

We are now engaged in what some might call a “Two Proxy Front War.”  We are supporting the Ukraine in its battle with Russia and Israel in its battle with Hamas.  We should not be involved in either battle.  We have become the provider of military weapons to the world and when deemed expedient we become the world’s policemen.

Are the deaths in Israel tragic, of course.  Is terrorism ever justified?  Terrorism is horrible.  It is the most brutal form of warfare.  But terrorism is defined by the powerful not the weak.  It is used by the weak against the powerful.  American patriots during the Revolutionary War were regarded as terrorists by England.

King George III insisted he had “acted with the same temper; anxious to prevent, if it had been possible, the effusion of the blood of my subjects; and the calamities which are inseparable from a state of war; still hoping that my people in America would have discerned the traitorous views of their leaders, and have been convinced, that to be a subject of Great Britain, with all its consequences, is to be the freest member of any civil society in the known world.”King George III speaks to Parliament of American rebellion

“The Sons of Liberty as an active movement disbanded in late 1783.  In the end, no universal conclusions, judgments, or definitive statements can be made about the Sons of Liberty.  Were they a terrorist organization?  The British certainly believed they were.  After all, the Sons were advocating overthrow of the status quo government and independence for the thirteen colonies.  Were they a patriotic organization?  Many American colonists certainly believed they were.”  — Sons of Liberty: Patriots or Terrorists?

The recent terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel may have set new boundaries for what can be called terrorism.  If the stories of children being beheaded, women raped and civilians taken as hostages can all be believed (only hearsay evidence seems to support the beheading of children), then Hamas has set the bar even lower in what can be tolerated during war.

Many are talking about the one-sided narrative being played out in the press.  War victims and atrocities by Hamas are being tallied daily while brutality by Israel seems to be ignored and is not counted.  Much of America and Europe takes the side of Israel while much of the rest of the world sides with the Palestinians.

Some say the animosity between the Arabs and Israel only goes back to the early 1900’s.  Others look at the ancient history of the Levant and talk about thousands of years of warfare between the Israelites, Philistines, Canaanites, and other tribes.  Does history make a difference or should it be ignored in trying to find a solution?

Of course, there is another reason not being discussed that also explains why Britain and now the USA want to support Israel.  There is no doubt that politics and ideology are at play here.  There are many who see the persecution of Jews over the centuries by every nation in the world and sincerely believe that the Jewish people have a right to their own nation and self-determination.  No one can read the history of antisemitism without feeling sorrow and horror at the means that have been used to persecute and murder Jews.

However, economics also plays a major role in this part of the world.  Oil became the main fuel in the world after the development of new engines replaced coal driven engines.  This happened shortly before the beginning of World War I.  Britain, France, and Germany all fought over the vast oil reserves in the Sinai peninsula with each seeking to control the oil and wealth that would flow out of the ground.  Arabs were regarded as an impediment to the regular and uninterrupted oil flow that was needed by the developed world.  What better strategy than to allow a Western style nation to sit right in the middle of the Arab world.  A country that was a democracy and that would help to protect Western interests.  Does anyone wonder why Israel was allowed to develop nuclear weapons with no argument while we have spent years studying and arguing about Iran developing even the potential for nuclear weapons?  One could well note that since the birth of Mohammed in 570 CE, Arabs have been viewed as an enemy of Western culture.  The history of the Crusades is some evidence of this animosity.

So now we are faced with a major decision.  To support Israel or to support Palestine?  No other choices were put on the table as our President rushed to Tel Aviv to declare that “He stands with Israel.  We have their back.”  The first time an American president has visited Israel during a time of war.  Biden hastened to Israel to offer support and armaments, while opining that the attack against Hamas should not murder innocent civilians, women, and children.  This last claim is rather disingenuous since how does anyone aerial bomb a city while not killing women and children.   As of this writing the present tally for the Gaza War between what Biden referred to as the “teams” stands at:

Israel Dead                 1400

Israel Wounded          3400

Palestine Dead           4385

Palestine Wounded    9700   


Then Biden comes home to the USA to give one of the worst speeches in history on October 20, 2023, to assure America that we are doing the right thing in Israel.  The logic in this speech and the assertions he makes are time worn tropes and generalizations that only serve to obscure the realities of the path that Biden wants America to go down.  I am going to take several excerpts from his speech and give you my thoughts on his words.  The selections do not follow the correct order that Biden gave them in his address.

“History has taught us when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction.  They keep going.  And the cost and the threat to America and the world keep rising.” — President Biden

Apparently, this is only true for the dictators that we do not like or do not support.  It does not seem to be historically true for those dictators that we have supported.  Here is a list of our friendly dictators.

The United States and its Friendly Dictators

“Many of the world’s most repressive dictators have been friends of America. Tyrants, torturers, killers, and sundry dictators and corrupt puppet-presidents have been aided, supported, and rewarded handsomely for their loyalty to US interests. Traditional dictators seize control through force, while constitutional dictators hold office through voting fraud or severely restricted elections and are frequently puppets and apologists for the military juntas which control the ballot boxes. In any case, none have been democratically elected by the majority of their people in fair and open elections.

They are democratic America’s undemocratic allies. They may rise to power through bloody ClA-backed coups and rule by terror and torture. Their troops may receive training or advice from the CIA and other US agencies. US military aid and weapons sales often strengthen their armies and guarantee their hold on power. Unwavering “anti-communism” and a willingness to provide unhampered access for American business interests to exploit their countries’ natural resources and cheap labor are the excuses for their repression, and the primary reason the US government supports them. They may be linked internationally to extreme right-wing groups such as the World Anti-Communist League, and some have had strong Nazi affiliations and have offered sanctuary to WW ll Nazi war criminals.

They usually grow rich, while their countries’ economies deteriorate, and the majority of their people live in poverty. US tax dollars and US-backed loans have made billionaires of some, while others are international drug dealers who also collect CIA paychecks. Rarely are they called to account for their crimes. And rarely still, is the US government held responsible for supporting and protecting some of the worst human rights violators in the world.”  From The Friendly Dictators.

Friendly dictators

Abacha, General Sani —————————-Nigeria

Amin, Idi———————————————Uganda

Banzer, Colonel Hugo —————————-Bolivia

Batista, Fulgencio———————————Cuba

Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal —————————-Brunei

Botha, P.W. —————————————South Africa

Branco, General Humberto ———————Brazil

Cedras, Raoul ————————————-Haiti

Cerezo, Vinicio ———————————–Guatemala

Chiang Kai-Shek ———————————Taiwan

Cordova, Roberto Suazo ————————Honduras

Cristiani, Alfredo ——————————-El Salvador

Diem, Ngo Dihn ———————————Vietnam

Doe, General Samuel —————————-Liberia

Duvalier, Francois ——————————–Haiti

Duvalier, Jean Claude—————————–Haiti

Fahd bin’Abdul-‘Aziz, King ———————Saudi Arabia

Franco, General Francisco ———————–Spain

Hussan II——————————————-Morocco

Marcos, Ferdinand ——————————-Philippines

Martinez, General Maximiliano Hernandez —El Salvador

Mobutu Sese Seko ——————————-Zaire

Ozal, Turgut ————————————–Turkey

Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza —————Iran

Papadopoulos, George ————————–Greece

Park Chung Hee ———————————South Korea

Pinochet, General Augusto ———————Chile

Pol Pot———————————————Cambodia

Rabuka, General Sitiveni ————————Fiji

Montt, General Efrain Rios ———————Guatemala

Selassie, Halie ————————————Ethiopia

Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira ——————–Portugal

Somoza, Anastasio Jr. ————————–Nicaragua

Smith, Ian —————————————-Rhodesia

Stroessner, Alfredo —————————–Paraguay

Suharto, General ———————————Indonesia

Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas ———————–Dominican Republic

Videla, General Jorge Rafael ——————Argentina

Zia Ul-Haq, Mohammed ———————-Pakistan

“Like so many other, I am heartbroken by the tragic loss of Palestinian life, including the explosion at a hospital in Gaza — which was not done by the Israelis.” — Biden

Both sides claimed the bombing of the hospital was the result of the other sides missile efforts.  As far as I know and as of this writing there has been no independent collaboration of these claims.  Why has not a UN team been assigned to go to the hospital to determine conclusively who was at fault in this terrible atrocious bombing?  Instead, our President with no apparent evidence blames Hamas.  It may well have been a Hamas missile but let’s see the evidence.

“Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they share this in common: They both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy — completely annihilate it.” — President Biden

The Wilson Center, a non-partisan think tank states the following:

“The war that began as an intention to stop NATO expansion and seize control of Ukraine is now being fought over a few regions that have no strategic value for Russia except as a land corridor to Crimea.” — The Wilson Center

The war began to stop NATO expansion, something we had promised we would not pursue.  Instead, we did.  The resulting threat to Russia pushed Putin into a corner.  When any rat is in a corner, it will attack.  That is what Putin has done.  Now we are supporting a war between two countries, neither of whom is a member of NATO.  The real reason for this war is the perceived threat to our economy that a rising Russia posed.  We have already cited China as our next major world enemy.

“Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.  Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and innocent Palestinian families are suffering greatly because of them.”  — President Biden

This assertion that Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people is untrue.  As much as we would like to believe that Hamas is only a small group of terrorists who do not reflect the values of the Palestinian people, it is not true.  Hamas was elected by the Palestinian people in 2006 to govern Gaza:

“Legislative elections were held in the Palestinian territories on 25 January 2006 in order to elect the second Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The result was a victory for Hamas, contesting under the list name of Change and Reform, which received 44.45% of the vote and won 74 of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah received 41.43% of the vote and won 45 seats.” — Wikipedia

“It’s a smart investment that’s going to pay dividends for American security for generations, help us keep American troops out of harm’s way, help us build a world that is safer, more peaceful, and more prosperous for our children and grandchildren.” — President Biden

This claim is so full of baloney that I don’t know where to start.  The idea that creating ever more armaments for the world and growing our military even larger will better protect us is incredible.  It is like saying that more guns in America are going to make us all safer or that the more weapons we can sell to the world will make us safer.  To describe weapons as an investment ignores any economic facts.  Education is an investment.  Childcare is an investment.  The environment is an investment.  Infrastructure is an investment.  An investment is something that returns more than it gets.  Bombs and bullets do not return more.  They destroy more.

When are we going to learn that you cannot have both guns and butter.  You never could and we still can’t.  Either we build a strong economy based on factors that save lives and make lives better for everyone, or we build an economy that will destroy more and more lives.  Destroying lives, even if in other countries, will eventually destroy our nation.

“The security package I’m sending to Congress and asking Congress to do is an unprecedented commitment to Israel’s security that will sharpen Israel’s qualitative military edge, which we’ve committed to — the qualitative military edge.” — President Biden

The United States has given Israel over $260 billion in foreign aid since World War II. This includes:

$260 billion in combined military and economic aid

$10 billion in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome

$10.6 billion in assistance through the Defense Department, including air and missile defense support, and industrial base investments

More than $14 billion for Israel’s air defense system and other weapons purchases

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid. US legislators have long seen Israel as an ally to help protect US strategic interests in the Middle East.

Israel has the most powerful army in the Mideast.  How much more powerful can we help to make them?  When will we stop?  If there are lessons of war, we should have learned by now that a powerful army and many high-tech weapons systems will not necessarily defeat a determined adversary.  The wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan should have taught us this fact but apparently, they did not.

“And let me be clear about something: We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles.  And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores — our own stockpiles with new equipment — equipment that defends America and is made in America: Patriot missiles for air defense batteries made in Arizona; artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country — in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas; and so much more.”  — President Biden

Great, we can clean out our stockpiles and make room for new weapons.

“We are, as my friend Madeleine Albright said, ‘the indispensable nation.’  In moments like these, we have to remind — we have to remember who we are.  We are the United States of America — the United States of America.  And there is nothing — nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. — President Biden

We cannot even elect a speaker of the house these days without violent acrimony.  Our own democracy now teeters on the brink of destruction.  Liars and thieves have become common place in political circles.  A value on ethics and morality has been discarded in favor of opportunism, getting reelected and protecting ones party.  Greed is the lubricant for all our political institutions.  Our country is divided into camps and ideologies that have no common ground nor do they seek any common ground.  We cannot agree that we need to make major changes to protect and restore our climate.  We cannot even get rid of an antiquated measurement system that requires two sets of tools to work on anything.  Yet we have a President who says that there is “nothing beyond our capacity.”

Let’s cut the bull and baloney.  I do not believe that we should stick our heads in the ground and ignore the rest of the world.  I do not believe in isolationism.  But I also do not believe that we need to take sides in all the worlds conflicts.  If we can be guided by the same spirit that guided Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, we can save ourselves and help the world.  But if we are guided by a spirit which values money, oil, and self-interest above all else, then we will surely become another failed empire.

Biden claims that he is making the world safer for Americans.  This is another piece of baloney.  He is not making the world safer for Americans, Jews, Muslims, Arabs or anyone else.  All he is doing is throwing gas on a raging fire.  If we keep going down this path, we will find that there is no place safe in the world for anyone.

“One of the mistakes which some political analysts make is to think their enemies should be our enemies,”Nelson Mandela

25 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Patti Moore Wilson, wednesdayschild2
    Oct 23, 2023 @ 07:02:28

    I don’t often listen to American news, Dr. Persico (not since the Trump years) and our Canadian news only gave us a few sound bites on Biden’s speech, so I appreciated the detail of your post. Here in Canada, where we are supposed be known for our peaceful stance on such things, there are calls for our Prime Minister to weigh in on the Israel/ Hamas conflict, calling for reason and peace, for the sake of the innocent on both sides. Biden’s speech explains EVERYTHING. Weapons are big business ($$$) for countries like the USA. As your closest neighbours, well, our PM must feel that he’d be foolish not to support that. Wars are a lucrative business and money always trumps peace talks 😔 So what if it destroys the lives and the properties of the little people…😔 on both sides…😔😔😔

    Liked by 1 person


  2. ~dq.
    Oct 25, 2023 @ 15:46:28

    It’s China exploiting natural resources. They’ve had a stronghold since about 2010. They hacked into the State Department while it was connected to the World Bank for 2 weeks… it was brushed under the carpet. I “investigated”. You will have to go to the waywayback machine to look up between 2008-2010 when I posted the thorough analysis and research. Fantastic article. Still reading. Thank you! DQ



  3. Delores Quade
    Oct 25, 2023 @ 15:48:41

    It’s China exploiting natural resources. They’ve had a stronghold since about 2010. They hacked into the State Department while it was connected to the World Bank for 2 weeks… it was brushed under the carpet. I “investigated”. You will have to go to the waywayback machine to look up between 2008-2010 when I posted the thorough analysis and research. Fantastic article. Still reading. Thank you! DQ



  4. mosckerr
    Oct 30, 2023 @ 07:21:53

    What defines the goal of the current war in Gaza?

    The over 200 kidnapped captives a clear priority. However, Israel fights a regime change war. The total unconditional surrender of Hamas defines the Will of the People of Israel to achieve justice for the slaughter of some 1400 Israelis on October 7th. Just that simple.



  5. mosckerr
    Nov 15, 2023 @ 00:49:15

    (New York Jewish Week) — Congregants lined up in the morning cold outside the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in the Upper West Side as the dawn broke Tuesday. Many of them held signs in support of Israel as well as supplies for the long day ahead as they boarded a large tour bus headed for Washington, D.C.. “This is an important act of unity and solidarity,” Rabbi Dalia Samansky told the passengers as the bus slowly made its way toward the March for Israel rally at the National Mall, as tens of thousands of other Jews from around the country headed toward the event.

    A liberal Jewish cantor, Daniel Singer, then played a rendition of “Tefilat haderech,” or “A prayer for the road,” on an acoustic guitar. The congregants said they were inspired to make the long, trafficky trip to the rally to support the hostages held by Hamas, publicly back Israel, and take a stand against antisemitism as anti-Jewish discrimination surges in New York and elsewhere amid the fallout from the war. After event organizers announced a historic turnout of nearly 300,000 people at the rally, the participants said the event had bolstered their spirits and made a powerful statement in support of Jewish solidarity and Israel’s cause.

    The group of marchers included amazingly, even some Stephen Wise Reform Jewish synagogue members, who occasionally even attend public services. The contingent ranged in age from high schoolers to the elderly. But also included several family groups. Reported that lady “Rabbi”, Ammiel Hirsch, of Stephen Wise Reform said: “I’m joining because I see the scary rise of antisemitism and I’ve been talking to people, and it’s just heartbreaking.” Despite the fact that Liberal Judaism has a long tradition of disgrace which actually encourages Jewish assimilation and intermarriage. And has an anti-Israel platform that more closely resembles to that of Neturei Karta.

    Assimilated Reform, Maxine Albert, now sings a different tune: “People are telling me that they’re not wearing anything that identifies them as Jewish.” “It scares me and I want to stand up,” she added. Ms “rabbi” Rabbi Samansky said the rally came as many congregants felt increasing pressure over their support for Israel, as many activists clamor for Israel to accept a ceasefire with Hamas and the memory of the terror group’s Oct. 7 atrocities fade from the public discourse. Many of the congregants also felt isolated and abandoned by their former allies on the left due to the lack of a condemnation for antisemitism, Samansky added.

    “A lot of our congregants are really struggling with their own place in the world, their own place in the social justice world that they have believed and been a part of for so long, while also dealing with their fear of being Jewish right now,” she said. “More and more congregants are saying, ‘Should I wear my star? Should I have my mezuzah be so prominent?’” “It’s so important to be at this [rally] to say we have a right to be Jewish, we have a right to be proud to be Jewish, we have a right to support Israel, and Israel has a right to be proud and to defend itself,” she said.

    Several congregants said that the defaced and ripped up hostage posters around New York City were a reminder of the hostility around them, and some compared the tense atmosphere in the city to the rising antisemitism in prewar Europe. A number of attendees also cited the hostile atmosphere on college campuses as a worrying harbinger for the future. “When I was growing up, it was [shortly] after the Holocaust, so antisemitism wasn’t considered to be mainstream. It had to be hidden,” said Joyce Goldwyn-Spencer. Now, she said, “so much time has passed and they have the excuse of using Israel, blaming Israel.” “I think there is a sense of awakening,” said congregant Debra Warren, saying some U.S. Jews had become aware of “the Jew hatred that’s probably been simmering under the surface that’s now bubbled above the surface.”

    Alas, these Reform Liberal Judaism “rabbis”, fail to connect the dots between Jewish assimilation and intermarriage – to the return of mass Jewish antisemitism. The Reform platform which promotes “Social Justice”, but dismally fails to warn the Jewish people that assimilation and intermarriage violates the 2nd Sinai commandment. Jewish worship of avoda zarah, the Prime First Cause of antisemitism in the world today.

    The congregants firmly backed Israel’s need to defeat Hamas while mourning the Palestinian victims. But continue to blame Jerusalem, (Not in our Name, sorry excuse) for the toxic Dhimmi/Jewish discourse surrounding the conflict. The ignorance of the Israeli government for its lack of nuance, refusal to surrender and transform the 6 Day ’67 War into a national defeat before victorious Arab armies, (according to the words of Nasser). The poor understanding of radical right-wing Government over “complex issues” at play. The Liberal Jewish demand to divide both Israel and Jerusalem into two separate states and make a forced population transfer of Jewish settler populations living in Samaria.

    After the five-hour drive, the Reform synagogue’s bus pulled into a parking lot at FedEx Field in North Englewood, Maryland, some nine miles east of the National Mall. The congregants spilled onto the asphalt to join throngs of other Jews and allies; the Stephen Wise group mostly broke apart as they mixed in with the thousands who made their way to the rally via shuttle, subway, taxi and on foot.

    The masses in attendance at the rally included secular Jews and non-Jews, Haredim, school groups in matching shirts and Israelis navigating the crowds in Hebrew. Youths from the Chabad movement manned a tent, putting tefillin on passersby and handing out yellow balloons to high schoolers as young men wearing kippot danced in a circle nearby. Many in the crowd, framed on the lawn between the White House and the Washington Monument, carried U.S. and Israeli flags and photos of hostages.

    The crowd fell silent as families of the captives spoke, with some in the audience breaking into tears. The crowd size — likely the largest Jewish gathering in U.S. history — was a powerful message for the congregation. Several assimilated Reform congregants said the support from public officials and non-Jews inspired confidence, despite the growing antisemitism plague. “I never thought that we would need to do this [protest] but the time is now so I’m glad to be there,” said Reform congregant Michael Sherman, adding that he was cheered by “Jews putting arms around each other, helping each other — secular, Orthodox.”

    On the way back to the parking lot, young Israelis and Haredim alighted on the subway together as a group of high schoolers sang. The Stephen Wise delegation boarded the bus back to New York, and the cantor, Singer, played “Oseh Shalom” as two teenagers passed out bags of chocolate chip cookies to the weary congregants. “This isn’t 1939. We’re not going to stay silent in the face of antisemitism. We are going to stand up, we are going to protect ourselves and be proud of who we are,” Samansky said. “We’re determined to continue speaking out and being present and reminding the world that we are here and we have the right to be here.” The complete and utter silence over the disaster of Jewish assimilation and intermarriage – the elephant in the china closet – totally ignored.



    • Dr. John Persico Jr.
      Nov 15, 2023 @ 21:16:16

      Pro Human Beings is not antisemitism. The fact that 1300 Israelis have been murdered by Hamas is abominable. The fact that 13000 human beings (about 70 percent women and children) have been killed by IDF forces is ABOMINABLE. It is not self-defense. It is vengeance and retaliation and you know what? If and when Hamas is destroyed, another group will take its place. That is the history of oppression and denial of human rights. One group simply replaces the former group and the second group is usually worse. We need a CEASE-FIRE and negotiated return of the 240 hostages. Calling for these conditions does not make one an antisemite. Heaven forbid that we become so afraid of speaking out against any injustice by Israel because of the pressure to fall in line to “STAND” behind a government that is clearly out of control. Biden loses my vote and the American people will suffer because of our “STANDING” ignorantly behind Israel. I admire the Jews for Peace. I have nothing but contempt for HAMAS. I cry for the people on both sides that have died because our leaders could not find a solution to the impasse that has existed for far too long. Bombs and bullets will not solve this problem. IMHO.



      • mosckerr
        Nov 16, 2023 @ 06:33:25

        No equivalence. Period. Japan attacked the US at Pearl Harbor. The US dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan. Consequences of war.



        • Dr. John Persico Jr.
          Nov 16, 2023 @ 09:13:50

          That is your opinion and your analogy is way off the mark. There are many today who still debate the necessity to drop nuclear weapons on Japan. I hope you have served in the US Military as I have during a war. I get sick and tired of hearing from War Hawks who have no military experience and let others do the fighting.

          There are no such things as “Consequences of War.” There are war fatalities and war casualties. Only politicians talk about “consequences.” They hope that by using terms such as “Village Pacification” during the Vietnam War to sanitize the murders and deaths taking place. That such euphemisms will make war more palatable for the stupid and gullible.

          By the way, are you too afraid to sign your own name and any information about who you are in your blog or comments?



          • mosckerr
            Nov 16, 2023 @ 12:33:29

            That you make this declaration, does not make it so. Oct 7th — Israel’s 9/11. Just as Saddam hung so too Hamas Yahya Sinwar.

            Actions have their consequences. Just that simple. Cannot throw a rock into a pond with out causing a ripple effect.



          • mosckerr
            Nov 16, 2023 @ 12:35:06

            I am an Israeli citizen and my country at war with Gaza Hamas government who ordered the Oct 7th massacre of 1400 Israelis and currently holds some 240 stolen captives.



            • Dr. John Persico Jr.
              Nov 16, 2023 @ 15:33:59

              Thanks for telling me who you are. I wish you and your fellow countrymen the best. I sincerely believe that Israel is an important country and that the Jewish people have a right to a homeland. However, I am 77 years old and I have followed warfare for some time. I have yet to see where anyone comes out ahead by the use of force. When I was younger, I used to think force and might made right and as Mao said that “Political Power grew out of the mouth of a gun.” I have since rejected that belief and stand more with Gandhi and MLK on the use of non-violent resistance. John



              • mosckerr
                Nov 17, 2023 @ 00:01:35

                Israel like manyother countries, including the US, revolted against British rule and won our National Independence. India the US and Israel all rebelled against the British colonial rule – won and prospered as a consequence of winning our wars against the British barbarians.


              • mosckerr
                Nov 17, 2023 @ 01:22:11

                All goes well in this war by which Israel seeks the total unconditional surrender of Hamas. Followed up by a mass population transfer of 5th column Arabs in E. Jerusalem and Samaria to Gaza. From the River to the Sea Israel shall be Arab free.


              • mosckerr
                Nov 19, 2023 @ 12:56:42

                Flooding in Gaza. Northern Gaza almost Hamas free. Israel turns northern Gaza into something like British north Ireland. Whoooop


  6. adan adams
    Nov 23, 2023 @ 06:23:01

    it is great source of information. I will keep my eye on this.



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  8. abe abbott
    Dec 05, 2023 @ 09:36:14

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  9. mosckerr
    Dec 07, 2023 @ 06:00:00

    How does the logic work? Case A runs parallel and adjacent to Case B, does this make Case A & B equal? Answer: No. But to differentiate the one from the other becomes difficult. Based upon the brass incense pans dedicated by 250 Princes who rebelled against the government of Moshe together with Korach.

    Those incense pans attached to the sides of the brass alter, and in effect joined the altar as one mitzva. This sh’itta of learning, which compares one בנין אב precedent to another בנין אב precedent; the two parallel to one another, debates over this logical fallacy require making an essential understanding הבדלה which separates and discerns: like from like.

    For example: the UN General Secretary argues that the Oct 7th Abomination, no different than the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. As if the fact that Hamas and its coalition partners murdered 1400 Israelis and stole 250 captives equal to the 2005 Israeli unilateral withdraw from Gaza; Israel gave Gaza as land to establish an Independent Palestinian state!

    The UN General Secretary says the Oct 7th Abomination equals to the Israeli unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. The logical fallacy of this corrupt attempt to equivocate the Hamas and Co. abomination to Israel being the only country in the Middle East to dedicate land to establish an Independent Palestinian state Two State Solution … likewise an abomination on par with Oct7th; the UN רשע just made a gross perversion and revisionist history – an abomination on par with Oct 7th itself.



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