Mother Earth and The Four Horsemen Are Destroying Human Life on Earth

Apocalypse_vasnetsovThe Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are figures in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible.  It is hard to find a more bizarre and byzantine piece of literature than Revelations, either written now or 2000 years ago.  Religious zealots use Revelations to concoct an endless source of predictions concerning when the end of the world will occur.  Nothing like promising “Fire and Brimstone” to convince people to buy into your religion.  The traditional four horsemen are Thanatos: Death, Limos: Famine, Ares: War, and Zelus: Pestilence. 

Many Christians believe that the “Four Horsemen” will ride the earth during the “End Time” and through their power set the stage for retribution and final judgement.  The “End Time” is when Jesus will return to judge humanity.  Dead Christians who are believers in Christ will be resurrected and join with still living Christians to meet Jesus and ascend into heaven.  Non-believers and evil doers will receive judgement and descend into hell.  A variety of “Dooms Day” events will precede the final judgement.  The process of retribution and judgement is referred to as the Apocalypse. 


I say that the Apocalypse is happening now.  It is not a religious apocalypse.  It is an environmental apocalypse.  The “Four Horsemen” are not war, famine, pestilence, and death.  The “Four Horseman” are floods, Drought, Earthquakes and Fire/heat.  A powerful sentience, or some type of greater being is wreaking havoc on humanity as retribution for the spoilage that humans have inflicted on the planet.  Maybe the earth is alive.  Maybe there is truly a sentient Mother Earth, Gaea or Magna Mater and she has decided to clean the earth from a parasite that is destroying it. 

The “Judgement” has been made and humans have been found guilty.  We have destroyed thousands of species.  We have wantonly killed millions of each other over land, water, and money.  We have polluted the air with ozone, methane, and other chemicals.  We have desecrated the soil with pesticides, fertilizers, runoff oil and parking lots made of concrete.  We have defiled our oceans with plastics, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, and industrial discharge.  It says in the Bible Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows.” 


Consider Climate Change as Terra’s retribution and cleansing agent.  Her use of the Four Horsemen is nothing short of brilliant.  Let me propose a sort of Straw Dog.  The term “straw dog” refers to an inchoate idea that may or may not be fully developed.  It can also refer to something to try out even if it is not clearly defined.  My Straw Dog goes like this.

Historically, most weather patterns tend to be random.  They occur randomly throughout the globe.  Sometimes one place gets a hurricane while another has an earthquake.  There is good weather sometimes in some countries and bad weather sometimes in other countries.  No one country gets all the disasters all of the time.  There are even some countries each year that manage to escape disastrous weather patterns. 

However, this does not seem to be the case we are confronted with today.  With climate change, it appears that the entire planet is under attack.  It is almost like an invisible hand is guiding an earth-wide devastation.  Today, we are witnessing a pattern of catastrophic weather events that leave no country unscathed. 

There you have my Straw Dog.  My hypothesis is that humanity is under attack by some unknown but omnipotent force.

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One Horseman visits California, India, New York, Libya, Greece, and Spain with floods.  A second Horseman visits Canada, Bolivia, and Brazil with wildfires.  A third Horseman scorches Arizona, Somalia, Namibia, and Zimbabwe with devasting droughts.  A fourth Horseman unleashes earthquakes in Turkey, Syria, Morocco, Japan, and Afghanistan.  There is no place where we can run to.  There is no place to hide.  There is no place on earth that is safe today from environmental upheavals.  Atlantic magazine said that Vermont was the safest state to live in.  Less than three months after they reported this “fact” one of the Four Horsemen rode through Vermont unleashing unprecedented flooding.  The Atlantic wrote an apology a few months later.

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Maybe it is time we establish a colony on the moon or Mars.  It looks like Pachamama does not want us here anymore.  Prithvi says leave or die.  Kokyangwuti wants us off this planet.  Find someplace else to live says Bhumi.  No matter what language Mother Earth is translated to, she is a concept that exists on every continent and in every culture in the world.  Mother Earth has decided to get rid of her children.  We have forgotten that Terra is not only our mother, but she is the mother to every other species on this globe. 

Mother Earth will win and we will lose.  I say lets pack up now and get ready to evacuate.  Some of us could go live on the moon and the rest would easily fit on Mars.  I would choose Mars to live on.  I would call my colony “New John” and only allow people who thought like me to live there.  True Believers would live on my side of Mars and False Prophets would live on the other side.  I would build a BIG WALL to separate us.

downloadIf we get there first, we can plant flags and stake out as much moon dust or Martian canals as possible.  In no time at all, we could be starting wars to ensure that no one takes our territory. 

“Oh, Yes,” you say, “but what about the indigenous little Martians who already live there?”  Don’t worry about them.  We’ll conquer them, colonize them, convert them, Christianize them, or kill them.  Its in our genes.  No one stands in our way.  We own the universe.

Who wants to go with me?


Daffy and Marvin Martian arrive on Mars at the same time and battle it out over who can claim it first.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Margaret
    Jan 27, 2024 @ 10:06:22

    😆Not sure whether to laugh or cry John. It’s very true that each one of us is responsible for the damage created in one way or another. Often, we’re too blinkered to see any other way but our own. Add on to that the inability and lack of foresight to ‘communicate’ or ‘negotiate’ and there you have it wrapped up in a nutshell – insular selfishness and greed. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Dr. John Persico Jr.
      Jan 27, 2024 @ 10:56:29

      HI Margaret. Funny, I have that same sense when it comes to Trump as well. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Have to blame the Democrats almost as much as the Reprehensibles. Lack of long term thinking coupled with greed just might be what ends the human race. IMHO. Thanks for taking the time to comment. John

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Wayne Woodman
    Jan 27, 2024 @ 15:57:43

    Once again John you have nailed it my opinion. I love the understated humour and have constantly marveled at humanity’s blindness, including my own!
    For the first 25 years of my life I thought Nature was limitless or probably more to the point never thought about it. Then I owned and operated a remote tourist lodge in Northern Ontario and was amazed by the amount of garbage I took to our private dump and how it grew over the years!
    Those years were eye opening in many ways as I watched and participated in a small way in the destruction of my planet. Since I came to that realization and moved back to urban living I have come to realize we have all been sold an unstainable life style populated by way too many people.
    At the present I am thankful to be 75 with not too many years left to see the ongoing mass destruction and the ensuing devastation that will be unleashed. So I carry a little guilt for my lifestyle and sorrow for my kids and grandkids.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Dr. John Persico Jr.
      Jan 28, 2024 @ 08:29:05

      Thanks for the wonderfully insightful post Wayne. What great observations. I imagine it must have really made an impact on your being out in the wilds and still seeing all the garbage we discard. Your insight about an unsustainable lifestyle is something that down here in Arizona really resonates. I never thought about it like that. More selfishly, I thought “Well, they will run out of water sometime after I die or at least I hope they do.” Unsustainable should be the key word in our Real Estate development as well as population control if any exists. John

      Liked by 1 person


      • Wayne Woodman
        Jan 28, 2024 @ 15:39:57

        For a number of years PC (pre-covid) we vacationed in Florida/ Arizona and New Mexico enjoying the heat and golf courses and only feeling a little guilty! I would love to do so again but the excess in those areas I now find a little more troubling so have decided to abandon air travel as much as possible and it hurts that I can’t vacation guilt free.



        • Dr. John Persico Jr.
          Jan 30, 2024 @ 23:26:16

          Being a US citizen these days it is very hard not to feel guilt for our foreign actions. I can understand your feelings Wayne. Imagine living in a country which mostly seems oblivious to the actions in Gaza and a President and Congress which is actively supporting this genocide.



  3. EChumly
    Jan 27, 2024 @ 18:49:24

    Humanity has come a long way. No Viking or marauding Warriors killed or destroyed villages, including women and children. Except for wars in Russia and Gaza. It is still better somewhat. Then there is Trump winning in New Hampshire, losing a court case, and paying millions. He did think he was the victim and thinks our court system is broken……….
    Yes. You are, absolutely correct. Only God did not loose the horses. We did, as it seems you have prophesized. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Dr. John Persico Jr.
      Jan 28, 2024 @ 08:32:36

      You are right Echumly about the relative peace we sustain compared to many cultures in the past. I think there are so many pros and cons concerning the issue of whether we are better off now or worse that I would never argue with anyone over it. My normal pessimism bends me towards seeing the worse. And when you mention Trump, the very name blurs my vision to any good that may be happening in the good old USA. The shining city on the hill metaphor does not resonate with me at all these days. Thanks for taking the time to post a comment. As the Vulcans say “Live Long and Prosper.”

      Liked by 1 person


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