Chad and the Central African Republic – I Want You!


As many of my fellow bloggers on WordPress know, there are free statistics available which give us a wide range of data and information on who is reading our blogs and where they are from.  One statistic that I have followed for my fifteen years or so of blogging is the various countries that have visited my blog.  There is a data map which shows me which countries have visited and how many visitors from each country.  As you would expect, most of my visitors come from the USA.  For 2023 to date, I have had 5,115 USA visitors.  The next highest numbers (2023 to date) for the top countries that have visited my blog are as follows:

  • United Kingdom
    • 1,073
  • India
    • 588
  • Canada
    • 488
  • Philippines
    • 371
  • China
  • 184
  • Netherlands
    • 138
  • Germany
    • 95
  • Australia
    • 95
  • France
    • 87


When I look at the data map since the start of my blogging, it looks like I have had visitors from every country in the world except Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR).  I guess as a point of pride, I want to get at least one visitor from each of these countries.  How do I do this?  What can I say that will get the attention of Chadians and Central Africans?  Wait?  I know.  I will Google, “What do Chadians and Central Africans Care About?”  Having done this, most of the data that popped up concerned demographics and health indicators.

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Country Overview:

“Chad is consistently ranked as one of the five poorest countries in the world by the Annual United Nations Human Development Report. The measure of the country’s underdevelopment is staggering.  Only about 6 percent of the population has access to electricity, and only 8 percent has access to basic sanitation.  Adult literacy is 22 percent. Life expectancy is only 53 years.  Around three-quarters of all births take place without the attendance of a skilled health professional.” — US Aid for the American People.

Chad Health Indicators:

  • Life Expectancy (Female, Male): 57, 54
  • Infant Mortality Rate: 67 deaths per 1,000 live births (6th Highest in the World)
  • Child Mortality Rate: 111.5 deaths per 1,000 live births (3rd Highest in the World)
  • Maternal Mortality Rate: 1140 deaths per 100,000 live births (New Zealand is 1.7 per 100,000 live births
  • 9 million people need humanitarian assistance.
  • 7 million people suffer from critical food shortages, of whom more than 1 million face severe food shortages.

“Chad’s health indicators are relatively worse than other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa due to many reasons such as civil conflict, healthcare shortages, and lack of maternal and child health. Child and Infant mortality have decreased significantly in the last few decades, but numbers are still extremely high.” — Columbia University, School of Public Health

I was struck by the data on Chad since it made me realize how little I know about Chad or the CAR (Statistics were equally stark for the CAR).  It also brought out the point that not only did I not know much about them but never in my life have I done a single thing to help either country live better.  I wondered whether my country did much to help them.  Time to Google again.  This time I Googled, “USA aid to Chad and the CAR.”  Here is what I found for USAID to Chad in 2022:

USAID provided $73.6 million to the people of Chad for food assistance, relief commodities, and other support during fiscal year 2022.  The U.S. stands with communities in Chad as they continue to recover from devastating floods.”

Just for comparison’s sake, since the Ukrainian War began about 1 ½ years ago, the Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support.  — Kiel Institute for the World Economy, May 19, 2023.  Compare this to the amount of aid that we gave to Chad, and you might find it shocking.  I did.


Now you can tell me that this is like comparing apples to oranges or cluster bombs to F16’s or the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System to M1 Abrams Tanks.  We are saving the world for democracy.  We are helping American values to survive in the Ukraine.  My response is that we have sent the Ukraine more for war than we care to spend for peace and health in Chad.  If you like some numerical comparisons, we have sent 1013 times more aid during the past 16 months to the Ukraine than we have to Chad.  74 million for Chad.  75 billion for the Ukraine.  That equals per capita aid for a Chadian at $4.31 per year (US 74 million in aid divided by 17.18 million Chadians).  This compares to per capita aid for a Ukrainian at $1,713 per year (US 75 billion dollars in aid divided by 43.79 million Ukrainians).

I wonder what this says about our values and priorities.  Is winning a war more important than helping people not die of starvation?  Are Ukrainians more important than Chadians?  Are we simply protecting American interests in Ukraine that do exist in Chad?  Is the war in Ukraine about democracy and we do not have the same goals in Chad?  Is it all just a game and the other countries in the world are pawns to be sacrificed for American interests? You tell me.  But I am also going to make sure that my charitable donations this year include Chad and the Central African Republic.

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I started this blog out somewhat facetiously.  The more I delved into the history of Chad, the more appalled I became at what we say we value and where we spend our taxpayer’s money.  Money that I and millions of other Americans contribute to the government.  I want my money to be spent on peace and not destruction.  I want it to help improve the standard of living of other people in the world regardless of their political or religious beliefs.  I do not accept that everyone must have the same political and religious philosophies as we have in the US to benefit from our help.  Call me naïve, but I think that our aid should be based more equitably on need and not on our political self-interests.  In no case do I want our aid to go to help another country wage a war.  What ever happened to the vaunted diplomacy in our State Department and diplomatic Corp?  Based on their efforts and results in both the Ukraine and Chad, they should all be fired and replaced with a new team.
