Please Sign My Petition to President Biden to Stop Sending Weapons and Bombs to Israel

I am circulating this petition on line and in my blog.  I appreciate any help in circulating the petition as well as adding your signature to the petition.  The link below should take you to the actual petition site.  Thank you for your support.


TO: President Biden

RE:  2024 Election and the Gaza War

Due to your current policies towards Israel and your continued support of the egregious Israeli response towards the October 7th Hamas attack, we are withholding our vote for you in the upcoming 2024 election.  We recognize that Israel has the right to protect itself and its citizens and that the actions by Hamas on October 7th of 2023 constituted a cowardly criminal terrorist attack.

However, the subsequent retaliatory response by Israel has clearly gone from defensive to genocide. Over 32,000 Palestinians have now been killed in Israeli assaults on innocent men, women, and children. The entire Palestinian nation is being destroyed by Israel’s attempt to wipe out the Hamas terrorists.  This is being done with the support of American weapons, bombs, and money.  We have repeatedly asked for a ceasefire and been met by lukewarm responses on your part President Biden. You have asked Netanyahu to do more to protect Palestinians and he has figuratively spit in your face.

We could stop this ongoing murder by stopping the flow of bombs and bullets to Israel.  Senator Sanders has said that “He would not give them one nickel more until there was a ceasefire.”  You President Biden started out after the Hamas attack by saying repeatedly. “We have your back.”  “We stand with you.”  This was a loyal allies support for another ally.  However, as the Israeli response has morphed into outright genocide, you have done nothing to modify your original position and to help stop the ongoing genocide by the Israeli army.

By voting for you we are complicit in the ongoing murder of Palestinians.  By voting for you we are guilty of the policies that are killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children.  By voting for you, our hands are stained with the blood of these thousands of noncombatant women and children.  There are those who say that “You are the lesser of two evils.”  We acknowledge that Trump is a distorted mockery of any humane concept of leadership.  We have no desire to see Trump reelected.  However, if this happens because of your misguided support for the Israeli war, it is your responsibility.  You have continued with platitudes and bromides that have done nothing significant to allay the actions of Netanyahu.  We are not going to support any Presidential candidate who condones such actions.

There are thousands of us out there who will either not vote for you or will vote for a third party in the upcoming election.  That is our position now.  There is still time before the November elections to show that you have the backbone and courage to stand up to Netanyahu and to stop the genocide taking place.

  • This means stopping all military funding to Israel.  
  • This means stopping the sending of weapons and bombs to Israel.
  • This means insuring a permanent ceasefire NOW.

Show the world that America is on the side of Justice and Peace.
