How About a List of Responsibilities?

I received this newsletter in my email this morning. 

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“Dear reader,
In the 75 years since the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it has rarely added to the list of fundamental human rights it recognizes. However, one such addition took place in June 2022, when the General Assembly recognized the human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment. This week, John Knox details the significance of this recognition.”

I think rights are great.  However, I am sick of hearing about rights and more rights.  In the USA today everyone from gun owners to parents to rich people are screaming about their rights.  One of my teachers told me years ago, “For every right there is a responsibility.”  I would like to see a “Gun Owner’s List of Responsibilities” , “A Parent’s List of Responsibilities’‘, and a “Rich Person’s List of Responsibilities.”  For every “Rights” list, I would like to see a corresponding “Responsibilities List.”

How about a “List of Environmental Responsibilities?”

Without responsibilities Rights are Meaningless.  IMHO

The following is from AI Generated Google in response to my query “Rights Versus Responsibilities.”  This is a darn good list to start with.

Responsibilities are duties or tasks that people are expected to do.  For example, brushing your teeth is a responsibility.  Other examples of responsibilities include:
  • Recycling
  • Treating people fairly
  • Fiscal conservatism
  • Strong work ethic
  • Helping people in need
  • Doing the right thing when no one is looking
  • Being trusted to operate a store alone
  • Self-control
  • Not showing favoritism 
