My Final Will and Testament – Achievements – Reflection #12


Last year at my 40th Demontreville Retreat, one of the exercises that we were given by the Retreat Master included a very challenging set of thoughts.  The worksheet for the activity was labeled as “A Testament.” I took the worksheet and instructions home with me.  It had fourteen tasks or reflections to complete.  I did not desire to complete them during the retreat.  It is now almost a year since my retreat, and I have decided to make the mental and emotional effort necessary to complete this “Testament.”

The worksheet started with these instructions:

Imagine that this is the last day of your life on earth.  In the time that you have left, you want to leave a “Testament” for your family and friends.  Each of the following could serve as chapter headings for your “Testament.”  This is Reflection Number 12 on the worksheet.

12.  These are my life’s achievements.

Since this is number 12 on my worksheet, I am simply going to list 12 things that I think I have accomplished.  Mind you, I do not believe that I am done or that I finished any of the following tasks.  I think they are all works in process, and I will continue working on them until my last breath.  Here are my 12 Life Achievements:

  1. I have made some people happy
  2. I have helped many people lead more successful lives
  3. I have had two great wives and a wonderful daughter
  4. I have had many good friends over the years
  5. I have tried to live a life of honesty and integrity
  6. I have never kissed anyone’s butt for a promotion or other benefits
  7. I have helped promote good will between unions and corporate management
  8. I have left thoughts and ideas which will serve as a reminder of how people could live more productive lives
  9. I have taken risks where it would have been more prudent to play it safe
  10. I have supported many charities and funds for people that need help regardless of what country they are from
  11. I have been open minded about exploring new ideas, new music, new travels, new food, new friends, and new work
  12. I have tried my best to be a good friend, a good father, a good husband and a good person

I again reiterate the fact that most of my above activities or achievements are not finished.  I will deign not to give myself a report card on any of them.  I will leave it to others and to the people that come after me to describe my life in more clinical terms.  For now, I am proud that these are the things that I have tried to achieve and that I have valued in my life.

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” —  Cesar Chavez

“Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men.” — Confucious

“The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them.”  — Michelle Obama

“The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Next Reflections:    I am listing the final two.  I will return to the task of completing my Final Will and Testament in September.

  1. These are the people who are enshrined in my heart
  2. These are my unfilled desires

I will be gone for the summer, but you can continue to read my blogs.  I have scheduled some blogs to be posted from several years past that I doubt many of you have read.  I hope you will read and comment on them.  I look forward to visiting my site and seeing what you think.  Do my “old” musings stand the test of time?

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Wayne Woodman
    Jun 13, 2024 @ 09:50:29

    I think we would all do well to emulate your 12 ongoing achievements. Enjoy your summer and I look forward to reading again in the Fall.



  2. Jane Fritz
    Jun 15, 2024 @ 12:15:17

    Very well done, John. Very well, indeed. Happy travels to you and Karen.



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