Stories to Touch the Heart:  The Misfit Soldier

il_1588xN.4953483573_na7hI heard this story from the Pastor at my wife’s church this past Sunday.  It was the day after Veterans Day, and it brought tears to my eyes.  I am not sure where the story is from but it will touch the heart.

The Misfit Soldier:

Once upon a time there was a young man who was born as a surprise to his parents.  Truth be told, neither parent was happy to have a new child.  Both parents were elderly and raising another child was seen as a burden.  Growing up, the young man had an atypical upbringing.  His dad, being older, never played ball with him or took him on any camping outings.  His mother did not dote on him and mostly seemed to merely tolerate his existence.  No one helped him with his homework or studies or even seemed to care whether he went to school.  He grew up not really feeling like he was part of a family.  He felt like a misfit.

misfit picDuring high school, he was bullied by the other boys who saw his lack of sports prowess as being girly.  He could not throw a ball or catch a ball.  He did not excel in any studies, and no one cared whether he joined any campus groups.  The young man could not wait to get out of high school.  He felt like a misfit there as well as at home.  Once he graduated, both parents were hoping he would leave home as soon as possible.  His dad suggested that he joined the army and took him down to the enlistment office.

The young man took the ASVAB tests at the Army recruitment office and passed them.  He then took a physical and passed that as well.  He signed many papers and was accepted into the US Army by two recruiters who did not seem to care whether he joined on not.  Along with several other recruits, he recited the Pledge of Allegiance and swore the oath to protect the United States of America.  He was given 45 dollars in ration coupons, a plane ticket and sent off by bus to take a plane out of the nearest airport to his training base at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Upon arrival at Fort Bragg, the young man was given the usual military greeting.  “Get your ass off that bus and get in line.  Keep your mouth shut and don’t ask any questions.  Do as I say.  You guys are like grass, and I am the lawn mower.  You are all dumb as shit.”

download (1)The other recruits merely shrugged their shoulders and off they trudged in some sort of order to the barber, uniform supply office, medical office, chow hall and then their assigned barracks.  Along the way, being laughed at by other recruits who had already been in basic training for a week or so.  Shouts were heard that they would never make it and they would be sorry they joined.  The more this hazing went on the more worried our young man became.  He finally went up to his Drill Instructor (DI) and told him that he did not feel very good.  This did not sit well with his DI who singled him out for some abusive name calling.  He shamed him as a sissy and weakling in front of his entire platoon.  Our young man began to feel like a misfit again and like he did not belong in the US Army.

The young man was uncoordinated, shy, reclusive, had two left feet and a difficult time with any physical exercises or activities.  The DI was constantly on his ass screaming instructions and abuse at him.  The other soldiers took a lead from the DI who seemed to delight in tormenting and making fun of our young man.  When the DI was not around, the other soldiers found many ways to make fun of the young man and generally enjoyed making his life even more difficult.

One day, a few of the pranksters in the platoon came up with an idea that brought smiles and laughs to the lips of the other recruits.  They would take a fake grenade to the next training activity and drop it in front of the young man after pulling the pin.  They told the DI about this prank and sad to say he said he would go along with it.  They all clapped each other on the back and proceeded to prepare the trick.

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A few days later, the DI called the entire platoon out for “Grenade Training.”  They all marched off to a large, deserted field.  The DI told them to form a circle.  Standing in the middle of the circle the DI called out to one of the soldiers.  The DI handed the “fake” grenade to the soldier and told him to pull the pin and throw the grenade as far as he could. The soldier pulled the pin and started to fumble the grenade.  He dropped the grenade right in front of our misfit young man.

Every soldier there expected the young man to run or start screaming.  What happened next shocked the entire platoon.  In a split second, the young man had thrown his body over the grenade covering what he expected would be a blast that would kill or maim half the platoon.  The group of men stood there speechless.  No one laughed, smiled, or said a word.  Suddenly the Drill Instructor charged forward towards our young misfit.  He grabbed him in a massive bear hug and loudly spoke the following words: “Soldier, I am proud to know you and to have you in my platoon. You are one of the bravest soldiers I have ever met.”

The men in the platoon started clapping.  One by one they filed by the young man and told him what a brave soldier he was.  No one mentioned why the grenade did not go off or the practical joke that they had intended to play.  They were all ashamed of their behavior from the tip of their heads to the bottom of their feet.  As they greeted the young man, they told him what a privilege it was to know him and that they were also glad that he was in their platoon.


That day our misfit young man stopped feeling like a misfit.  He knew where he belonged.  He was now a proud soldier in the US Army.

  • Have you ever felt like a misfit?
  • What did it feel like?
  • How did you overcome the feeling?

The Day I Joined the Air Force – Part One


There is a prelude to this story.  I grew up with a father who was abusive.  He was six feet four inches tall and weighed 210 lbs.  I was five foot eight inches tall and weighed 145 lbs.  He had been a professional boxer with 21 wins and two losses.  I lived in fear of him for many years.  During high school, I seldom dated.  I never went to a single high school dance or prom.  Shortly after the end of my high school years in 1964, I finally found a girl whom I liked.  She also seemed to like me.  We dated a few times and I planned a Saturday night out with her.  I had my own car and had funded my own expenses ever since I was sixteen.  I had just turned 18 in the September of 1964.

I arrived home late Saturday afternoon.  It was the first week of October (the day of my planned date) and my father was sitting at the dining room table with a couple of friends.  He said he needed a fourth for a game of pinochle.  I did not want to play since my father hated to lose and I knew he would blame me if we did.  Nevertheless, my father demanded that I be his partner and so I sat down with his two friends for a few games.  Sure enough, we lost the first game and my father started to complain about my play and that I had really screwed up the plays.  We started the second game and he started right in again complaining about my play.  I finally had enough of his berating me and I simply said, “I quit.”  He blew his usual fuse and told me that I was grounded and that I should go to my room.

I went up to bed and woke up about 2 AM in the morning.  I don’t think I ever went to sleep.  I packed a few things in a bag and climbed out my bedroom window.  I went over to a friend’s house and knocked on the door.  Bobby Fandetti (AKA Rock) came to the door.  He was surprised but he let me in.  I told him that I needed a place to stay for the night.  He said fine and that I could sleep on the couch.

The next morning, I told Bob I was going down to military row (where all the military recruiters had their office) and that I was going to join the military.  Bob gave me a ride and I made him promise not to tell anyone where I had gone or that I had stayed the night with him.

I knew I had no chance of getting into any college.  I had poor grades and no money.  I had two arrests.  The first for breaking and entry (a stupid robbery with six other guys from my corner) and the second for a fight leading to an assault and battery charge.  Fortunately, both offenses were sealed since they had occurred before I turned eighteen.

Upon getting down to Providence, Bob dropped me off and left.  I had twenty dollars with me and a few clothes.  I walked down the block looking in the various military recruitment centers.  The recruiters were desperate and would have taken a warm body since the Vietnam war was in full swing.  I started looking at the various uniforms in the windows.  My biggest criteria concerned in which uniform would I have the best chance of getting laid.


I did not like the Marine uniforms.  They seemed too gaudy.  Navy was out since their uniforms looked silly to me.  They were bell bottoms before bell bottoms became in.  The Army uniforms seemed too drab.  Green was never my favorite color.  Then I saw the Air Force uniforms.  They reminded me of my high school colors which were blue and gray. It was an immediate hit.  I could see myself scoring lots of babes in this cool uniform.


At the time this all occurred, my father was an American Legion Post commander.  He was a decorated and disabled WW II veteran.  He saw service in Patton’s Third Army as a tank guard.  He won a Purple Heart for his combat injuries.  My father hated communists and had drilled me with the evilness of communists.  My motto when I went into the military was “Kill a commie for Christ.”

army uniform

The recruiter did all he could to make my day.  He was friendly and helpful and gave me a coke and some snacks.  I had to take a test called ASVAB that he said would determine which job I got.  I did not really care which job since I thought that I could get into some combat group and go to Vietnam to kill some “commie gooks.”  I got an AFSC or Air Force Service Code as a Nuclear Weapons Specialist.  For some reason, this was later changed to a 30352 code as an AC&W Radar Technician and I was switched from going to military training in Chanute, Kansas to Keesler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi.  But first, every Air Force recruit had to go to basic training at Lackland AFB just outside San Antonio, Texas.

air force

However, I was not in the military yet.  I had a bunch of papers to sign and then they sent me by car to an induction center where many other branches of the military also went.  At this center I was going to get a physical.  I remember fifty or more guys all in this big hall and all of us told to strip naked.  A few physicians then went around checking everybody out with a stethoscope.  Guys with obvious impairments were told to get dressed and go home.  Finally, about a half of the original guys were still there.  We were told to put our civvies back on and then we would be sworn in.  We went into another room, where we repeated some oaths and the Pledge of Allegiance.  We were now in the United States Military.

swearing in

I was then sent by commercial bus from Providence to New Jersey.  From the bus terminal I got a ride to the Newark Airport.  At the airport, I somehow (I do not remember how) met some other Air Force recruits.  We had all been given vouchers for ten dollars or so for meals while waiting for our flight to Texas.  We decided to go to a café at the airport for supper.   When we got seated the waitress came around with a menu.  We told her that we had these meal vouchers.  As we ordered. it appeared that even if the price of a meal was less than our vouchers, there were items that we (for unknown reasons) could not purchase with our vouchers.  I got pissed, since I felt we were being ripped off.  I gave my voucher away and left.

I had my twenty dollars and I went in search of another dinner venue.  The airport had this upscale dining area and I went in and seated myself down.  I was surprised that I was the only diner in the room at the time.  The waiter came and he gave me a menu.  On it was a boiled lobster dinner for $18.99.  I thought “Hell, I am going out in style.”  I had never had a boiled lobster dinner in a restaurant although I had caught and eaten many lobsters in Rhode Island.


The lobster came and I put a bib around my neck and proceeded to eat the lobster.  I was quite adept at cracking lobster shells (having lived in R.I. from my 11th to 18th year of life).  After I was finished with dinner, I noticed a bowl with water and a lemon floating on it.  I was staring at the bowl thinking it might be some weird soup.  The waiter noticed my gaze and came over and very quietly asked me if I knew what it was for.  I said no and he told me that it was to wash my fingers in.  I will never forget his kindness for not embarrassing me or my own lack of knowledge of good etiquette.  This would come back many times to embarrass me in my later years even after I had obtained my Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota.

I then rejoined the other recruits and we waited rather silently for the plane that would take us to our new lives.

To Be Continued: