Everybody is in a Hurry Today to go Fast


Everybody is in a hurry today.  Nobody has any time today.  We do everything we can to keep busy today.  The hell with everyone else.  The hell with tomorrow.  The hell with life.  I am busy so you can just get out of my way.  The roads are full of maniacs passing on double yellow lines.  Other maniacs riding your bumper to the next stop sign about 100 yards away.  Passing on the right, then left, then right again until they wind up next to you at the next red light.  Where are the cops these days.  Speed limits and time seem to have no meaning anymore.

When I first came down to Arizona, I would ask people “How are you doing?”  “Living the dream” was a common reply.  “What is living the dream?” I would ask them.  “Well, I can golf everyday now.”  Ah, yes, you retired so that you could stay busy hitting a little round ball around 18 holes.  So that you could try like hell to hit the tiny ball into the tiny hole eighteen times.  What a life!  At first I did not understand.  When you retire, shouldn’t you make some time to just relax?  Karen says well maybe they relax by swinging their expensive golf clubs.  I doubt it.

Years ago, I learned that one can be or do and life is a balance between each.  Being involves spiritual activities that make us better people.  It is meditating.  It is going on a retreat.  It is praying.  It is reading a good book.  Doing is moving.  Doing is animated.  Doing is hitting a pickle ball back and forth over a net.  Nothing is wrong with doing but something is wrong with a life that is filled only with doing.  I have met too many people that spend time doing but spend no time being.

“Hi, Paul, would you like to get together for a coffee next week?” “Gee, John, I would love to, but I am really busy next week.”  “Well, than how about the week after that?”  “Sorry, but my great aunt and her son are coming over that week and I need to get the house cleaned.  Tell you what I will check my calendar and get back to you.  Not sure but I think I have an opening next year.”


There is a mania in this country with going nowhere fast and doing something all the time.  I rush to get somewhere so I can get busy staying busy.  The business of America is more about staying busy than doing anything really useful.  The country band Alabama penned a song many years ago which went as follows:

I’m in a hurry to get things done

Ohh I rush and rush until life’s no fun

All I really gotta do is live and die

Even I’m in a hurry and don’t know why?

Don’t know why?  I have to drive so fast

My car has nothing to prove

It’s not new

But it’ll do zero to sixty in five point two

Ohh, I hear a voice

That says I’m running behind

I better pick up my pace

It’s a race and there ain’t

No room for someone in second place

 I wonder what life would be like in America if more people meditated and less people were in a hurry.  What if people spent more time praying than watching TV?  I would give you better than ten to one odds that if more people prayed and/or meditated that we would have less crime, less war, and less violence.  Society and the world would be more peaceful if people spent more time meditating.  We would have more time for friends.  More time for settling differences peacefully.

The average USA citizen spends the following amount of time in each of these activities each day: — Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022

Sleeping                      9.02 hours

Eating:                         1.23 hours

Shopping:                   .66 hours

TV:                               2.79 hours

Religious/Spiritual      .13 hours

Volunteering:             .10 hours

Educational:               .44 hours

Working:                     3.23 hours

You can see from the above chart that the average USA citizen spends approximately 8 minutes per day in religious or spiritual activities.  I wonder whether this statistic would find any greater amount of time spent by the religious right in America doing prayers or meditating than for the average person.  The time spent per person is just about enough time to say a blessing at supper time.  To repeat what I said above “What if people spent more time meditating and praying and less time rushing to get somewhere?”  Would we have a better country?  I believe we would.  We would probably have:

  • Less road rage
  • Less drug use
  • Less alcoholism
  • Less traffic accidents
  • Less wars
  • Less violence

On the positive side, just imagine how relaxed people would be.  If people were more relaxed, there would be nicer people walking around.  Imagine the following scenarios:

Ariana:  “You just took the parking spot I was going to drive into.”

Alex:  “Oh, I am very sorry.  I did not see you waiting there.  Just give me a second and I will pull out and park elsewhere.”

Ariana:  “No, that’s ok, I can find another spot.  There is plenty of spaces in the parking lot.”


President Biden:  “Look, President Putin.  I am sorry for all the names I called you in the past.  I have so much on my plate and too much to do.  Sometimes, my age gets in the way.”

President Putin:  “I did not want a war with Ukraine, but you kept bad mouthing us and surrounding our country with more and more NATO members.  We just want to survive like you do.”

President Biden:  “I think it is time for peace talks now.  We can back off and leave Ukraine alone if you can promise to pull troops out and restore Ukraine to its former territories.” 

President Putin:  “Lets start the peace talks now and see what agreements we can come to.”

Well, you can call me Pollyanna and laugh if you want but if Putin and Biden could sit down and meditate together and then pray together for peace, I seriously think the world would be a different place.  Maybe we could even get Netanyahu to pray and meditate some.