Bidens Farewell Song for Palestine


Oh My God!  They killed 1200 Israelis,

Those horrible terrible Palestinian Barbarians,

They slaughtered innocent women and children.

Those Hamas Terrorists took 220 hostages,

They are nothing but animals and savages.


I’ve got your back.  I’ve got your back.

I stand behind you.  I stand behind you.

Nothing can come between us. 

BiBi, I am your friend.  I am your friend.

How many bombs and bullets do you need?          

Your revenge is just.  Your attack is sanctioned.

How many Palestinians will you need to kill?

They say that women were raped, and children were beheaded.

They are nothing but animals and savages.

1,000 Palestinians Now Dead


I’ve got your back.  I’ve got your back.

I stand behind you.  I stand behind you.

Nothing can come between us. 

BiBi, I am your friend.  I am your friend.

How many bombs and bullets do you need?          

 The hell you are unleashing on innocent women and children we can overlook.

My polls are still strong.  Americans are with you.

We will silence opposition at home.

Anyone speaking out will be labeled an Anti-Semite.

They are nothing but animals and savages.

10,000 Palestinians Now Dead


I’ve got your back.  I’ve got your back.

I stand behind you.  I stand behind you.

Nothing can come between us. 

BiBi, I am your friend.  I am your friend.

How many bombs and bullets do you need?     

Our students are protesting.

There are riots on our campuses.

Administrators are ignoring the Antisemites on campus.

How much longer do your think it will take Bibi?

15,000 Palestinians Now Dead


I’ve got your back.  I’ve got your back.

I stand behind you.  I stand behind you.

Nothing can come between us. 

BiBi, I am your friend.  I am your friend.

How many bombs and bullets do you need?          

My advisors are starting to worry about my poll numbers.

This is going to be a close race.

Many students and progressives say they will not vote for me.

Some people are even calling me Genocide Joe.

Do you think this has gone far enough Bibi?

20,000 Palestinians Now Dead


I’ve got your back.  I’ve got your back.

I stand behind you.  I stand behind you.

Nothing can come between us. 

BiBi, I am your friend.  I am your friend.

How many bombs and bullets do you need?

Can I suggest that you not bomb any more hospitals?

How about we send them some aid?

My poll numbers are not improving.

Would you be willing not to bomb any more refugee camps?

This war is starting to really hurt my image Bibi.

25,000 Palestinians Now Dead 


I’ve got your back.  I’ve got your back.

I stand behind you.  I stand behind you.

Nothing can come between us. 

BiBi, I am your friend.  I am your friend.

How many bombs and bullets do you need?

Some of my advisors are leaving.

Some of my supporters are quitting.

We have not been able to silence the protestors.  I mean Antisemites.

Do you think you could wrap things up soon Bibi?

Did I already ask about you not bombing any more refugee camps?

30,000 Palestinians Now Dead


I’ve got your back.  I’ve got your back.

I stand behind you.  I stand behind you.

Nothing can come between us. 

BiBi, I am your friend.  I am your friend.

How many bombs and bullets do you need?                    

I am going to draw a line Bibi.

I draw most of my lines in the sand, so not to worry.

I have been called complicit in this Holocaust of Palestinian people.

Do you think history will exonerate us Bibi?

Do you still need any more bombs and bullets?

35,000 Palestinians Now Dead and Counting

The Days of Remembrance

The Days of Remembrance”, according to, is observed every year in April and May and is a week-long commemoration of the Holocaust.  In 2024, it is observed from May 5-12, with “Remembrance” Day being May 6.”

The Days of Remembrance” was established as the country’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust by the United States Congress.  The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is responsible for leading the country in commemorating “Days of Remembrance” and also for encouraging these commemorations.  The Holocaust was the state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi rulers, allies, and collaborators.”  — National Days of Remembrance

Several years ago, while in Munich, Karen and I went to visit the first of the concentration camps setup by the Nazis.  The camp was just outside of a small town called Dachau.  Neither of us will ever forget that day.  The camp is now a museum devoted to remembering and explaining the unexplainable.  The pictures, the exhibits, the ovens, the hatred depicted in this former death camp are beyond words.  In a strange distortion of reality, Karen and I could not remember any color for that day.  It was all black and white and gray.  The grass, the trees, the other people we saw all appeared in shades of black.  It was like being in the Stephen Spielberg film “Schindler’s List”.   How could any culture, any nation, any so-called civilized people systematically murder over six million people because of their religion?  Numerous writers have tried to explain the Holocaust, but none have ever managed to.  It is an impossible effort.  It is impossible because it is not possible for any normal human being to imagine the hatred and prejudice that stands behind Anti-Semitism and other forms of racism. 

On the way to the camp, we were told by the bus driver (in rather a surprise announcement)  “don’t blame us for the Holocaust, only a third of the people in the Village of Dachau voted for Hitler.”  I thought “bullshit”.  Later after reading Goldhagen’s “Hitlers Willing Executioners” I realized my judgement of bullshit was far too kind.  When people do nothing in the face of crime and immorality, they are just as guilty as the people more actively involved.  A large number of German people either did nothing to prevent or actively facilitated the atrocities perpetrated against the Jewish citizens in Germany. 

Sadly, this persecution of Jews has gone on not only in Germany for centuries but also in parts of Europe, the Mideast, and the USA.  However, it was not until 1860 that an Austrian Jewish scholar, Moritz Steinschneider, introduced the term “Anti-Semite” to denote specific prejudice against Jews.  Today, the USA is embroiled in a bitter controversy.  Another divide among the American people has occurred.  We have those who support Israel in its war against Hamas and those who support the Palestinian people.  The confrontations are taking place in the streets of several major cities as well as on college campuses across the nation.  Many Jewish people in America feel like they are being attacked whether or not they stand with Israel in what some are calling a war of Genocide.  Pro-Palestinian Americans are also being attacked as they protest the Gazan war. 

The Anti-Defamation League recently published a study showing a rise in Anti-Semitism ideology and incidents in the USA over the past year or so.  U.S. Antisemitic Incidents soared 140% percent in 2023.

“ADL tracked 8,873 antisemitic incidents across the United States in 2023, the highest level recorded since ADL started tracking this data in 1979.” —  U.S. Antisemitic Incidents Soared 140% percent in 2023

While a large proportion of Americans are against Israel’s war with Hamas near fifty percent support the right of Israel to exist. 

“Support for an independent Jewish state remains high. Indeed, 47.6% of Americans support the notion of a two-state solution to the conflict and an additional 8.5% of Americans support Israeli annexation of the West Bank and Gaza.”Antisemitic Attitudes in America 2024  

It is sad that we cannot both protest and also respect the position of those we protest against.  Whether or not one is Pro-Israel or Pro-Palestine, both have a right to be heard in a democratic society that professes the First Amendment for Free Speech.  Yet, we also see a systematic effort to silence those protestors who are taking sides with the Palestinians.  

In 1816 Commander Stephen Decatur said, “Our country!  In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong” Naval commander Stephen Decatur.  Others have criticized this perspective as reflective of an unthinking extreme patriotism, or “jingoism”  Fifty-five years later, in 1871, a US Senator Carl Schurz gave a very appropriate reinterpretation of this perspective in a speech that included the statement, “My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.”  Both the USA and Israel may have some reckoning to be done but it will only happen if parties in both countries can sit down peacefully with their opposition and discuss their differences.  

I wrote the following blog in a series of stories written several years ago.  I was inspired by Edgar Lee Master’s “Spoon River Anthology.”  I called each of my stories “Autobiographies from the Dead.”  Each of my eight or so protagonists tells the story of their death.  In this story, Ephraim is a Jewish boy who dies in the Holocaust in a Nazi Concentration Camp.  The story will not be easy to read but it is my effort to share some of the real horrors of the Nazi holocaust with those of us who were not there.  We cannot whitewash, we cannot trivialize, and we should never forget the evil and hatred that Anti-Semitism has evoked and still evokes in the world today. 

Ephraim the Jew

jewish shadowMy name is Ephraim. I was born to a Jewish mother and a Jewish father in Germany.  My parents and great grandparents were all born in Germany.  We were not rich but we made a living over the years in various trades.  My family was all hard workers and I was taught the value of hard work and an education at an early age.  We were proud to be Germans.  My father had served with distinction in WW I and my great grandfather had served in the earlier Franco Prussian war.  We had many musicians and writers in our family and were proud that we could contribute to the rich German cultural heritage of our homeland.

HumiliationOne day, some young men started throwing stones at my father and me as we came home from work.  We arrived home with bruises and cuts but no broken bones.  My mother said that things were getting worse for Jews in Germany and that she had heard of many such incidents from other friends.  My father said she was being an old woman and should not worry so much.  This was just the result of a bunch of hoodlums and the government would soon arrest such bullies so that the streets would be safe again.

Weeks and months went by.  More assaults!  More bullying!  Everywhere we turned it seemed that people hated us.  The government passed Pro-German Laws to protect “Pure” Germans.  Somehow this seemed to mean that we Jews were now the enemies.  We were no longer Germans.  Our businesses were taken away from us.  Our jobs were taken away from us.  Then they took our freedom away from us.

trainsThey took us in trains to these large detention centers.  Smoke and flames were visible from numerous chimneys when we arrived.  Some people whispered that these were Jews who had been cremated.  It was too horrible to conceive.  It could not be true.  We were whipped, kicked and herded off the rail cars.  An angry looking German soldier in a black uniform with skulls and lightning bolts directed each person either to the right or to the left when we fled the cars.  Women and young children went one direction.  Men and young boys went the other direction.  My mother and sister went to the right.  They waved and said good bye.  “We will see you soon.”  “We must go to the showers first.”  We never saw them again.

The-last-Jew-in-Vinnitsa-1941My dad and I were assigned to work details.  Food was meager and work was hard.  We labored with very little rations from before sunrise to well after sunset.  My father died a year later.  He was nothing but skin and bones.  He said: “I am sorry.”  Another year later and I could not get up and go to work.  The guards came for me one day and said, “You are garbage and you are no longer useful.”  Two other Jews were forced to pick me up.  They carried me to a large pit.  I noticed many other bodies in the pit.  They threw me in the pit with the other bodies.  A holocaust-bodies-mass-graveguard shot me three times.  “Like shooting fish in a barrel he said.”  I was shot once in the head and twice in the chest.  He laughed as I twitched and as the blood oozed out of my veins.  I was surprised that it did not hurt as much as I thought it would.  I could feel my soul leaving my body.

Finally, I was looking down at my distorted figure and it was no longer twitching.  Even the blood had stopped oozing out.  The guard who shot me had lit a cigarette and was enjoying a quick smoke before returning to another work detail.  I watched for a while as other men and boys were carried to the pit and murdered.  I could no longer bear to look.  I decided to go find God and talk to him.  I was confused and angry but I thought that perhaps a talk with God might straighten things out.  My spirit left this hell on earth.

I am dead looking for godmany years now and I am still searching for God.  I want to know what we did to deserve such a fate.  We worked hard.  We paid our taxes.  We treated our fellow Germans with respect.  We worshipped on the Sabbath.  We upheld all of the commandments.  We were good people.  We were good Germans.  Why did they hate us so?  What did we do to cause this suffering?  Was this some kind of a test?

I think God is hiding from me.  He is nowhere to be found.  I have wandered now for years and still I find no God.  I know he exists.  I believe in God but I think he is avoiding me.  I think he may be ashamed for letting this happen.  I swear my soul will never rest until I find God and ask him this question:  “Why?”  But what if he doesn’t know the answer?

Time for Questions:

What is an Anti-Semite? Why do people still hate Jews? What did any Jews ever do to deserve such a fate?  Are you an Anti-Semite?  What can you do to help fight Anti-Semitism?  Do you try? Why not?

Life is just beginning.

“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”  ― Elie Wiesel


Please join us in community with local survivors and their families as we memorialize the tragedy and loss of the Holocaust and pay tribute to those who survived and the generations that have followed them. This special observance will take place at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 5th, 2024, at The Tucson J in the Ballroom.

Each year, it is imperative that we set aside this day to remember the more than six million Jews murdered during the Nazi Holocaust and continue to raise our collective voice to reaffirm the promise of ‘Never Again.’ This year’s theme, “Generations After: A Community Promise,”  reflects our Southern Arizona community’s solemn vow to our local living survivors and those who came before: in the face of our past trials and our present challenges, we will remember, and we will respond.

This annual community commemoration is a collaboration of Jewish Family & Children’s Services, The Tucson J, and Tucson Jewish Museum & Holocaust Center with funding provided by Jewish Philanthropies of Southern Arizona.

This event is free and all are welcome.

Please Sign My Petition to President Biden to Stop Sending Weapons and Bombs to Israel

I am circulating this petition on line and in my blog.  I appreciate any help in circulating the petition as well as adding your signature to the petition.  The link below should take you to the actual petition site.  Thank you for your support.


TO: President Biden

RE:  2024 Election and the Gaza War

Due to your current policies towards Israel and your continued support of the egregious Israeli response towards the October 7th Hamas attack, we are withholding our vote for you in the upcoming 2024 election.  We recognize that Israel has the right to protect itself and its citizens and that the actions by Hamas on October 7th of 2023 constituted a cowardly criminal terrorist attack.

However, the subsequent retaliatory response by Israel has clearly gone from defensive to genocide. Over 32,000 Palestinians have now been killed in Israeli assaults on innocent men, women, and children. The entire Palestinian nation is being destroyed by Israel’s attempt to wipe out the Hamas terrorists.  This is being done with the support of American weapons, bombs, and money.  We have repeatedly asked for a ceasefire and been met by lukewarm responses on your part President Biden. You have asked Netanyahu to do more to protect Palestinians and he has figuratively spit in your face.

We could stop this ongoing murder by stopping the flow of bombs and bullets to Israel.  Senator Sanders has said that “He would not give them one nickel more until there was a ceasefire.”  You President Biden started out after the Hamas attack by saying repeatedly. “We have your back.”  “We stand with you.”  This was a loyal allies support for another ally.  However, as the Israeli response has morphed into outright genocide, you have done nothing to modify your original position and to help stop the ongoing genocide by the Israeli army.

By voting for you we are complicit in the ongoing murder of Palestinians.  By voting for you we are guilty of the policies that are killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children.  By voting for you, our hands are stained with the blood of these thousands of noncombatant women and children.  There are those who say that “You are the lesser of two evils.”  We acknowledge that Trump is a distorted mockery of any humane concept of leadership.  We have no desire to see Trump reelected.  However, if this happens because of your misguided support for the Israeli war, it is your responsibility.  You have continued with platitudes and bromides that have done nothing significant to allay the actions of Netanyahu.  We are not going to support any Presidential candidate who condones such actions.

There are thousands of us out there who will either not vote for you or will vote for a third party in the upcoming election.  That is our position now.  There is still time before the November elections to show that you have the backbone and courage to stand up to Netanyahu and to stop the genocide taking place.

  • This means stopping all military funding to Israel.  
  • This means stopping the sending of weapons and bombs to Israel.
  • This means insuring a permanent ceasefire NOW.

Show the world that America is on the side of Justice and Peace.


In Defense of Not Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils.

downloadThis years election is going to force people to decide between the lesser of two evils.  Trump is undoubtedly the winner in being the most evil person to ever run for president in the USA.  His former Chief of Staff said that Trump was the most vile man he had ever met.  Kelly declared:

“A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’  A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’  A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family—for all Gold Star families—on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.”  — The New Republic, Oct 2023

Running against a man who would further erode what democracy we have left in this country is a coward who is afraid to take on Netanyahu and his US lobbies.  Bernie Sanders had the courage to say that he would not give Israel one nickel for defense until a permanent cease fire was declared

“I will be damned if I’m going to give another nickel to the Netanyahu government in order to continue this war against the Palestinian people.”  — February 13, 2024, by John Nichols; The Nation

Just yesterday, Biden said that “There would be no red line for Israel.”  He takes this cowardly position even in the face of a horrible death toll and as Israel prepares another major offensive designed to kill as many Palestinians as they can in Southern Gaza.  Then Netanyahu spits in Bidens face and says that “Victory is close.”  The Israel Defense Force won’t be “getting off the gas” and eliminating Hamas in Rafah is a “prerequisite for victory.”  — NY Post, March 11, 2024

Let me add that not only do I hold Biden complicit in the genocide going on in Gaza but also for the number of soldiers killed in the Ukrainian War with Russia.  This war could have been prevented by pursuing more diplomacy with Russia.  Instead, we have a sitting President who is still dumb enough to be spouting the Domino Theory of Communism.  He tells us that if Russia defeats the Ukraine they will soon be after Europe and then America.  I had thought only fools still believed this theory, but Biden spouted it in his SOTU speech the other night.

One empirical study on the validity of the Domino Theory was done in 2009.  Using spatial econometrics and panel data that cover over 130 countries between 1850 and 2000, Peter T. Leeson and Andrea M. Dean empirically investigated the democratic domino theory.  They found the following:

“We find that democratic dominoes do in fact fall as the theory contends.  However, these dominoes fall significantly “lighter” than the importance of this model suggests. Countries “catch” only about 11% of the increases or decreases in their average geographic neighbors’ increases or decreases in democracy.  This finding has potentially important foreign policy implications.  The “lightness” with which democratic dominoes fall suggests that even if foreign military intervention aimed at promoting democracy in undemocratic countries succeeds in democratizing these nations, intervention is likely to have only a small effect on democracy in their broader regions.”  — “The Democratic Domino Theory: An Empirical Investigation” by Peter T. Leeson and Andrea M. Dean,  American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 53, No. 3 (Jul., 2009), pp. 533-551

Keep in mind that this is only one study, however politicians routinely use this theory to justify intrusions and violations of other country sovereignty all over the world.  The real truth is not a fear of communism but a fear that our capitalistic hegemony over the world will be put at risk.  But I am divulging from the main issue.  Do I vote for Biden who exemplifies the policy of continuing never-ending wars or Trump who will attack minorities, attack immigrants, attack women, attack veterans, attack disabled, attack people of other gender identities and attack every institution of democracy left in America?

Clearly Biden is the lesser of two evils.  But I will not vote for Biden.  I certainly will not vote for Trump even if my soul depended upon it.  I will vote for one of the independents who I admire.  So, say it now “You are going to throw your vote away.  A vote for anyone else but Biden is a vote for Trump.  Independents have no chance of winning and will only take votes away from Biden.  Do you want Trump to win?”  Eight years ago, I made this same argument against supporting Sanders rather than Hillary.  My arguments for Hillary became so aggressive that I lost several friends before the election.  People who have never talked to me since the election.  And who won?  Trump!  Trump won and I lost.  I lost on three counts.

  1. I lost the chance that Sanders might have beaten Trump
  2. I lost friends
  3. I lost my integrity by voting for someone I did not really like.   

Ironically by not voting for Biden this year, I may lose more friends.  Almost everyone I admire seems to have decided to go with the “lesser of two evils” argument.  Is there merit to this argument?  Can we really predict the future based on it?  Is it any more valid then the Domino Theory?  Here is another opinion besides my own with some reasons why this argument should lose its validity.

The “lesser of two evils” argument has been a mainstay of Democratic election strategy since 2016. The formula is clear: 1) Throw overwhelming institutional support at an often unpopular and watered-down candidate.  2) Tell primary voters not to actually vote for their desired candidate because they are “unelectable.” 3) After forcing through a politician that many voters did not want, tell voters to be a good citizen and choose the “lesser of two evils” in the general election.  This strategy is unsustainable, ineffective, and sabotaging the core of our democracy.

In 2020, voters accepted this premise.  “Unprecedented” times called for “unprecedented” measures, so people swallowed their tongues and checked their ballots.  This is how the Democratic party garnered record-breaking voter turnout for an aggressively mediocre candidate.  According to Forbes, 56% of voters in 2020 admitted to voting for Biden because he was “not Trump.”  The Democratic PACs (political action committees) leaned into this message, spending heavily on “anti-Trump” ads.

But this coming election is different.  Not only are Biden and Harris particularly unpopular, but voters are also beginning to understand that you can’t call the times “unprecedented” forever.  At some point, we enter into a new normal.   And with the rising stars of the Republican party, like Ron Desantis — whose platform and policies prove just as Trump-y as Trump himself — it is becoming evident that the DNC, if allowed, will make this pitch indefinitely.

The 2016 election was a trial run of this method for the Democratic party — they were testing the waters to see how far they could push the party’s base without facing repercussions.  Minor changes did take place following the election, like stripping some power from superdelegates to appease the outraged progressive faction of the party.  Still, when faced with lawsuits from Democratic voters, claiming that the 2016 primary was unjust, DNC lawyers tried to cling to their ability to choose the Democratic candidate behind closed doors without input from voters.  They argued that “the words ‘impartial’ and ‘even handed’ — as used in the DNC Charter — can’t be interpreted by a court of law.”  This laid the groundwork for the growing unabashed bias toward specific candidates that emerged first in 2020 and is now resurfacing for 2024.

In this primary, the Democratic party has become more aggressive than ever in pre-selecting the candidate for voters. For example, they are infamously attempting to shift primary dates to benefit Biden’s campaign and give him a stronger start in the primaries.  And despite the few challengers that are running collectively taking around 30% of the vote, the Democratic party is adamantly refusing to host a debate.

While in past primary elections, the Democratic Party maintained some semblance of plausible deniability when supporting candidates, in this election it is clear that the DNC is unequivocally backing Biden.

Voters are villainized for being apathetic toward a candidate that they did not even choose.  In 2016, op-eds stating “you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two evils” were plastered across major news outlets.   In 2020, Biden controversially quipped, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black” while being questioned on a popular radio show.  In 2024, we are seeing a similar strategy play out again.

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison recently scolded Democratic challengers and third-party candidates, saying, “This is not the time to [sic] experiment.  This is not the time to play around on the margins … we got to re-elect Joe Biden.  We have to re-elect Kamala Harris.”  — Rhea Karty: The Lesser of Two Evils Argument Needs To Die, The Dartmouth, August 2, 2023

A poll taken back in January of this year gave the following results:

“Seventy percent of respondents – including about half of Democrats – agreed with a statement that Biden should not seek re-election.  Fifty-six percent of people responding to the poll said Trump should not run, including about a third of Republicans.” — Trump vs. Biden: The rematch many Americans don’t want, by Jason Lange, January 25, 2024

I am going to join the ranks of those who are sick and tired of having to choose between “The lesser of Two Evils”.  A choice where I was not given any real say in the making of.  In the words of Patrick Henry,

“For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate.  It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth and fulfil the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country.  Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.” — St. John’s Church, Richmond, Virginia, March 23, 1775

So, there you have it my friends.  I am not going to allow the Democratic Party to keep running their game on me.  If Biden loses, we may forfeit any democracy we have left in this country.  However, if Biden wins, the Democratic Party will continue their support of unpopular wars and the propensity to elect people not popular with the majority of voters.  I have heard many people say that they do not want either man.  Yet here we are folks.  Both sides feeling like they are choosing between the lesser of two evils.

I have made my choice.  Choose now for yourself.

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The Silence of the Damned by Chris Hedges

There is no effective health care system left in Gaza. Infants are dying. Children are having their limbs amputated without anesthesia. Thousands of cancer patients and those in need of dialysis lack treatment. The last cancer hospital in Gaza has ceased functioning. An estimated 50,000 pregnant women have no safe place to give birth. They undergo cesarean sections without anesthesia. Miscarriage rates are up 300 percent since the Israeli assault began. The wounded bleed to death. There is no sanitation or clean water. Hospitals have been bombed and shelled. Nasser Hospital, one of the last functioning hospitals in Gaza, is “near collapse.” Clinics, along with ambulances – 79 in Gaza and over 212 in the West Bank – have been destroyed. Some 400 doctors, nurses, medics and healthcare workers have been killed — more than the total of all healthcare workers killed in conflicts around the world combined since 2016. Over 100 more have been detained, interrogated, beaten and tortured, or disappeared by Israeli soldiers. 

Israeli soldiers routinely enter hospitals to carry out forced evacuations – on Wednesday troops entered al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis and demanded doctors and displaced Palestinians leave – as well as round up detainees, including the wounded, sick and medical staff. On Tuesday, disguised as hospital workers and civilians, Israeli soldiers entered Jenin’s Ibn Sina Hospital in the West Bank and assassinated three Palestinians as they slept. 

The cuts to funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) — collective punishment for the alleged involvement in the Oct. 7 attack of 12 its 13,000 UNRWA workers  —  will accelerate the horror, turning the attacks, starvation, lack of health care and spread of infectious diseases in Gaza into a tidal wave of death. 

The evidence-free charges, which include the accusation that 10 percent of all of UNRWA’s Gaza staff have ties to Islamist militant groups, appeared in the Wall Street Journal. The reporter, Carrie-Keller Lynn, served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Given the numerous lies Israel has employed to justify its genocide, including “beheaded babies” and “mass rape,” it is reasonable to assume this may be another fabrication. 

The allegations, of which details remain scant, are apparently based on confessions by Palestinian detainees — most certainly after being beaten or tortured. These allegations were enough to see 18 countries including the U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, Australia and Japan cut or delay funding to the vital U.N. agency. UNRWA is all that stands between the Palestinians in Gaza and famine. A handful of countries, including Ireland, Norway and Turkey, maintain their funding. 

Eight of the UNRWA employees accused of participating in the Oct. 7 attack in southern Israel, where 1,139 people were killed and 240 abducted, were fired. Two have been suspended. UNRWA has promised an investigation. They account for 0.04 percent of UNRWA’s staff. 

Israel is seeking to destroy not only Gaza’s health care system and infrastructure, but UNRWA which provides food and aid to 2 million Palestinians. The object is to make Gaza uninhabitable and ethnically cleanse the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza. Hundreds of thousands are already starving. Over 70 percent of the housing has been destroyed. More than 26,700 people have been killed and over 65,600 have been injured. Thousands are missing. Some 90 percent of Gaza’s pre-war population has been displaced, with many living in the open. Palestinians have been reduced to eating grass and drinking contaminated water.

Noga Arbell, a former Israeli foreign ministry official, during a discussion in the Israeli parliament on Jan. 4, stated: “It will be impossible to win the war if we do not destroy UNRWA, and this destruction must begin immediately.”

“UNRWA is an organization that perpetuates the problem of the Palestinian Refugees,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in 2018. “It also perpetuates the narrative of the so-called ‘right of return’ with the aim of eliminating the State of Israel, and therefore UNRWA must disappear.” An unnamed senior Israeli official praised the suspension of funding to UNRWA, but insisted on Wednesday gggthe government was not calling for its closure. 

More than 152 of UNRWA’s employees in Gaza — including school principals, teachers, health workers, a gynecologist, engineers, support staff and a psychologist — have been killed since the Israeli attacks began. Over 141 UNRWA facilities have been bombed into rubble. The death toll is the largest loss of staff during a conflict in the U.N.’s history.

The destruction of healthcare facilities and targeting of doctors, nurses, medics and staff is especially repugnant. It means the most vulnerable, the sick, infants, the wounded and elderly, and those who care for them, are often condemned to death. Palestinian doctors are pleading with doctors and medical organizations from around the world to decry the assault on the healthcare system and mobilize their institutions to protest. 

“The world must condemn the acts against medical professionals happening in Gaza,” writes the director of Al-Shifa hospital, Muhamad Abu Salmiya, who was arrested along with other medical personnel by the Israelis in November 2023 while evacuating with a World Health Organization (WHO) convoy, and who remains in custody. “This Correspondence is a call for every human being, all medical communities, and all health-care professionals around the world to call for these anti-hospital activities inside and around the hospitals to stop, which is a civilian obligation according to international law, the UN, and WHO.”

But these institutions — with a few notable exceptions such as The American Public Health Association that has called for a ceasefire — have either remained silent or, as with Dr. Matthew K. Wynia, the director of the Center for Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Colorado, attempted to justify Israeli war crimes. These doctors — who somehow find it acceptable that in Gaza a child is killed every 10 minutes on average — are accomplices to genocide and stand in violation of the Geneva Convention. They embrace death as a solution, not life. 

Robert Jay Lifton in his book “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide” writes that “genocidal projects require the active participation of educated professionals — physicians, scientists, engineers, military leaders, lawyers, clergy, university professors and other teachers — who combine to create not only the technology of genocide but much of its ideological rationale, moral climate, and organizational process.”  A group of 100 Israeli doctors in November 2023 defended the bombing of hospitals in Gaza, claiming they were used as Hamas command centers, a charge Israel has been unable to verify. 

The deans of U.S. medical schools and leading medical organizations, especially the American Medical Association (AMA) have joined the ranks of universities, law schools, churches and the media to turn their backs on the Palestinians. The AMA shut down a debate on a ceasefire resolution among its members and has called for “medical neutrality,” although it abandoned “medical neutrality” to denounce Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

There is a cost to denouncing this genocide, a cost they do not intend to pay. They fear being attacked. They fear destroying their careers. They fear losing funding. They fear a loss of status. They fear persecution. They fear social isolation. This fear makes them complicit. 

And what of those who do speak out? They are branded as antisemites and supporters of terrorism. George Washington University clinical psychology professor Lara Sheehi was pushed out of her job. The former head of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, was denied a fellowship at Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy because of his alleged “anti-Israel bias.” San Francisco professor Rabab Abdulhadi was sued for supporting Palestinian rights. Shahd Abusalama was suspended from Sheffield Hallam University in the U.K after a vicious smear campaign, although the institution later settled her discrimination claim against it. Professor Jasbir Puar at Rutgers University is an ongoing target for the Israel lobby and endures constant harassment. Medical students and faculty in Canada face suspension or expulsion if they publicly criticize Israel. 
The danger is not only that the Israeli crimes are denounced. The danger, more importantly, is that the moral bankruptcy and cowardice of the institutions and their leaders are exposed. This brings me to Dr. Rupa Marya, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), whose call to halt bombing hospitals and to examine the impact of Zionism as a racist ideology unleashed a torrent of vitriolic attacks against her, attacks tacitly endorsed by the medical school where she works. 

She has been slandered as an antisemite and targeted by the Canary Mission, a Zionist organization that seeks to defame and destroy the careers of students and faculty that criticize Israel and defend Palestinian rights. She has had speaking engagements rescinded and received death threats and messages such as: “kill yourself you retarded grifting n*gger,” “Jew baiting c*nt,” and “White people are the greatest people on Earth. You know this.” 

You can see her statement on the campaign against her here. There is a striking contrast between the treatment of Dr. Marya and the physicians who cheer on the genocide. UCSF physician Matt Cooperberg, who is the Helen Diller Family Chair in Urology, ‘liked’ social media posts such as “REMOVE Palestinians FORM [sic] MAP” and a quote by former Israeli prime minister Golda Meir: “We are able to forgive the the [sic] arabs for killing our children. We are unable to forgive the arabs for forcing us to kill their children.”

“Cooperberg’s endowed chair comes from the Helen Diller Family Foundation, UCSF’s largest donor, which to date has gifted some $1.15 billion dollars to the health campus,” Marya writes. “In 2018, due to a mistake on a tax form, the Helen Diller Family Foundation was exposed as a funder of the Canary Mission. The Foundation attempted to erase its connection after this exposure.”  She goes on:

As a faculty member at UCSF, disgraced dermatologist Howard Maibach exposed and injected over 2,600 imprisoned Black and brown people with chemicals in experiments that echoed the experiments put on trial at the Doctors’ Trial just a few years before he went to medical school in Pennsylvania,” she goes on. “There he studied under Albert Kligman, who taught him how to exploit Black people for medical experimentation, documented extensively in the horror nonfiction book, Acres of Skin.  Maibach also advanced notions of racial differences in skin, furthering racist ideas from the pseudoscience of eugenics. Race is a social construct that enshrines supremacism. It is not a biological reality.

Most of Maibach’s experiments were conducted without informed consent, and while UCSF issued an apology, Maibach is still employed by the University of California. His family supports the Friends of the IDF, and he is represented by Alan Dershowitz, who also argued for the bombing of hospitals in Gaza. Dershowitz attempted to prevent me from speaking at the AMA’s first National Health Equity Grand Rounds, where scholar Harriet Washington, who studies medical experimentation on Black people, highlighted Maibach’s racist practices. In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, UCSF faculty, trainees and students of color brought Maibach’s story to light, and many have expressed their horror that they have to continue to sit in the same room as this man during Dermatology Grand Rounds. But the problem is not just one man. It is a system that allows someone with these values and actions to continue to be present in our learning and practicing community.

The dehumanization of Palestinians is lifted from the playbook of all settler colonial projects, including our own. This racism, where people of color are branded as “human animals,” is coded within the DNA of our institutions. It infects those chosen to lead these institutions. It lies at the core of our national identity. It is why the two ruling parties and the institutions that sustain them side with Israel. It feeds the perverted logic of funneling weapons and billions of dollars in support to Israel to sustain its occupation and genocide. 

History will not judge us kindly.  But it will revere those who, under siege, found the courage to say no. 


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Ten Ideas on How to Protect Palestinian Citizens

download (5)As the slaughter of innocent Palestinian women and children continues by Netanyahu and his IDF forces, there are several constants on the part of the United States in terms of our reactions.  The First Constant is for Biden and Blinken to keep sending more ammunition and bombs to Israel even without authorization from the US Congress.

Antony Blinken tells Congress he made second emergency determination covering $147.5m sale for equipment

“For the second time this month the Biden administration is bypassing Congress to approve an emergency weapons sale to Israel as Israel continues to prosecute its war against Hamas in Gaza under increasing international criticism.” — Associated Press, Fri 29 Dec 2023, Guardian

The Second Constant is for both Biden and Blinken to keep calling for Netanyahu to be more careful where he drops his bombs.  “US Secretary of State Antony Blinken who has repeatedly urged Israel to do more to protect Palestinian Citizens is expected in the region next week.” — Casa Grande Dispatch, January 2, 2024 

Bibi and Blinken will have a hug fest while Bibi tells Antony, “Yes Mr. Secretary, I will be more careful.  But don’t you realize that the plan is to get the Palestinians out of Gaza permanently either dead or alive?” download (6)

Surely Biden and Blinken are not stupid enough to think that the majority of Americans do not see through this hypocrisy.  A Secretary of State who is a war mongering hawk with little concern for diplomacy is bad enough, but the continuing effort to silence anyone on the left or right who opposes bombs to Israel with screams and accusations of Anti-Semitism is an egregious hypocrisy of everything that our First Amendment and America stands for.

Trying to think what I can do to help ameliorate some of the atrocities associated with this war, I decided that perhaps I could contribute some ideas that would help Bibi, Blinken and Biden with some more concrete means of PROTECTING innocent Palestinians.  I came up with the following list.  I will briefly explain each of my ideas.  If you have any contacts with the US State Department or President Biden, please feel free to share these ideas with them.

  1. Drop leaflets showing where the bombs will fall

This would help innocent Palestinians to get out of the way before the SMART bombs hit.  Sadly, it would not work against many of the dumb bombs that America is sending over since these dumb bombs cannot read.

download (1)

  1. Schedule bombing runs on alternate sides of the street. One day for odd numbered streets and the next day for even numbered streets

In Minnesota and Wisconsin, we do the above for snow removal.  It helps residents with parking their cars and avoiding towing and snow fines.  You get to alternate which side of street you can park on so that the snowplows can do their job.  This idea would allow the IDF to destroy as many homes as possible while avoiding killing innocent women and children.

  1. Schedule bombing runs on alternate days. On Monday, Wed and Friday, bomb North Gaza and on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays bomb South Gaza

download (2)This is a variant of idea number 2.

  1. Setup a phone ring and have Palestinians alert other Palestinians when bombs are expected to fall in the neighborhood

At my wife’s church in Wisconsin, they have a group of phone callers who in an emergency all call different members of her church.  This works very well for getting help to people that need it and for alerting all church members of any impending disasters.  I think a modified version of this phone network could work in Gaza if the IDF were willing to give just a little advance notice of their bombing schedule.

  1. Drop shekels with the bombs so the Palestinians will have the funds to rebuild their homes.

download (3)This was suggested during the Vietnam war since many Americans with a monetary bent figured that it cost roughly one million dollars for every Viet Cong soldier that we killed.  I thought that if Israel dropped some shekels, stocks or bonds with their bombs, it would help the Palestinians rebuild Gaza or at least move to someplace else like Miami or Houston.

  1. Try to only hit Schools, Mosques, Tunnels and Hospitals where bona-fide Hamas members are hiding out.


Much of the public outrage against the Gaza massacre has come about because of the pictures of dead children and babies in bombed out hospitals and elsewhere.  The IDF needs to get better Intel and only bomb places with bonified Hamas members. 

  1. Play public service announcements letting non-Hamas Palestinians know that the bombs are not for them and that they should not take it personally.

downloadPerhaps a good Madison Avenue marketing campaign could be developed to show the Palestinians that the IDF really is trying to protect them.  As with most such campaigns it would all be smoke and mirrors, but advertising is very effective and would dampen down some of the criticism.  Israel needs to do more to show that “They Really Care.”  That would make a good campaign slogan, “We Really Care.”

  1. Play some mood music during bombing runs that will encourage Palestinians to relax more

download (4)I realize that this is not one of my best ideas but you know the old saying “Music sooths the savage beast.”  When I am worried and upset a bit of good music helps me to relax.  Perhaps some good music along with the bombing might help to address Palestinian anxiety and make them feel more cared about.

  1. Create a Bill of Rights for Palestinians like we have in the USA

From everything I have read, most of the laws impacting Gaza are very similar to the Apartheid Laws that had been enacted by the White government in South Africa during the Apartheid regimes.  Maybe if Israel and Palestine could work out a Bill of Rights like in the US Constitution, the Palestinians would be able to live side by side with the Israelites and not allow groups like Hamas to engage in indiscriminate slaughter of innocent women and children in Israel


10.  Sign a petition to send to Antony Blinken and Joe Biden encouraging them to talk more frequently with Netanyahu about protecting the rights of Palestinian Citizens

I doubt this would work since both Blinken and Biden are really shills for billionaires in the US who realize that Israel is essential to US financial interests.  The Palestinian people are simply in the way.  Just like the Indigenous Native American people were in the way of US progress and “Manifest Destiny” so are the Palestinians in the way of a greater Israel.   No one bleeds for people in the way of “progress.”

So, there you have my ten ideas for helping Biden and Blinken find ways for Bibi to better protect the Palestinian people while he drops thousands of bombs on their homes, hospitals, schools, and mosques.  If you have any ideas, please feel free to add them to my list before sending to the US President or State Department.

The Abominable War on Gaza


Let me make this very clear.  I voted for Clinton, Obama, Hillary, and Biden.  This is not to say that I have always been fond of the Democratic Party.  However as compared to the Republican Party, I view the Democratic Party as more willing to spend money on education, health care and needed social programs for the poor and needy in America and the World.

However, where I draw the line on the Democratic Party and where I see little or no difference with the Republicans comes down to their attitudes on supporting the military and the armament industry as the answer to all the world’s problems.

We are now engaged in what some might call a “Two Proxy Front War.”  We are supporting the Ukraine in its battle with Russia and Israel in its battle with Hamas.  We should not be involved in either battle.  We have become the provider of military weapons to the world and when deemed expedient we become the world’s policemen.

Are the deaths in Israel tragic, of course.  Is terrorism ever justified?  Terrorism is horrible.  It is the most brutal form of warfare.  But terrorism is defined by the powerful not the weak.  It is used by the weak against the powerful.  American patriots during the Revolutionary War were regarded as terrorists by England.

King George III insisted he had “acted with the same temper; anxious to prevent, if it had been possible, the effusion of the blood of my subjects; and the calamities which are inseparable from a state of war; still hoping that my people in America would have discerned the traitorous views of their leaders, and have been convinced, that to be a subject of Great Britain, with all its consequences, is to be the freest member of any civil society in the known world.”King George III speaks to Parliament of American rebellion

“The Sons of Liberty as an active movement disbanded in late 1783.  In the end, no universal conclusions, judgments, or definitive statements can be made about the Sons of Liberty.  Were they a terrorist organization?  The British certainly believed they were.  After all, the Sons were advocating overthrow of the status quo government and independence for the thirteen colonies.  Were they a patriotic organization?  Many American colonists certainly believed they were.”  — Sons of Liberty: Patriots or Terrorists?

The recent terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel may have set new boundaries for what can be called terrorism.  If the stories of children being beheaded, women raped and civilians taken as hostages can all be believed (only hearsay evidence seems to support the beheading of children), then Hamas has set the bar even lower in what can be tolerated during war.

Many are talking about the one-sided narrative being played out in the press.  War victims and atrocities by Hamas are being tallied daily while brutality by Israel seems to be ignored and is not counted.  Much of America and Europe takes the side of Israel while much of the rest of the world sides with the Palestinians.

Some say the animosity between the Arabs and Israel only goes back to the early 1900’s.  Others look at the ancient history of the Levant and talk about thousands of years of warfare between the Israelites, Philistines, Canaanites, and other tribes.  Does history make a difference or should it be ignored in trying to find a solution?

Of course, there is another reason not being discussed that also explains why Britain and now the USA want to support Israel.  There is no doubt that politics and ideology are at play here.  There are many who see the persecution of Jews over the centuries by every nation in the world and sincerely believe that the Jewish people have a right to their own nation and self-determination.  No one can read the history of antisemitism without feeling sorrow and horror at the means that have been used to persecute and murder Jews.

However, economics also plays a major role in this part of the world.  Oil became the main fuel in the world after the development of new engines replaced coal driven engines.  This happened shortly before the beginning of World War I.  Britain, France, and Germany all fought over the vast oil reserves in the Sinai peninsula with each seeking to control the oil and wealth that would flow out of the ground.  Arabs were regarded as an impediment to the regular and uninterrupted oil flow that was needed by the developed world.  What better strategy than to allow a Western style nation to sit right in the middle of the Arab world.  A country that was a democracy and that would help to protect Western interests.  Does anyone wonder why Israel was allowed to develop nuclear weapons with no argument while we have spent years studying and arguing about Iran developing even the potential for nuclear weapons?  One could well note that since the birth of Mohammed in 570 CE, Arabs have been viewed as an enemy of Western culture.  The history of the Crusades is some evidence of this animosity.

So now we are faced with a major decision.  To support Israel or to support Palestine?  No other choices were put on the table as our President rushed to Tel Aviv to declare that “He stands with Israel.  We have their back.”  The first time an American president has visited Israel during a time of war.  Biden hastened to Israel to offer support and armaments, while opining that the attack against Hamas should not murder innocent civilians, women, and children.  This last claim is rather disingenuous since how does anyone aerial bomb a city while not killing women and children.   As of this writing the present tally for the Gaza War between what Biden referred to as the “teams” stands at:

Israel Dead                 1400

Israel Wounded          3400

Palestine Dead           4385

Palestine Wounded    9700   


Then Biden comes home to the USA to give one of the worst speeches in history on October 20, 2023, to assure America that we are doing the right thing in Israel.  The logic in this speech and the assertions he makes are time worn tropes and generalizations that only serve to obscure the realities of the path that Biden wants America to go down.  I am going to take several excerpts from his speech and give you my thoughts on his words.  The selections do not follow the correct order that Biden gave them in his address.

“History has taught us when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction.  They keep going.  And the cost and the threat to America and the world keep rising.” — President Biden

Apparently, this is only true for the dictators that we do not like or do not support.  It does not seem to be historically true for those dictators that we have supported.  Here is a list of our friendly dictators.

The United States and its Friendly Dictators

“Many of the world’s most repressive dictators have been friends of America. Tyrants, torturers, killers, and sundry dictators and corrupt puppet-presidents have been aided, supported, and rewarded handsomely for their loyalty to US interests. Traditional dictators seize control through force, while constitutional dictators hold office through voting fraud or severely restricted elections and are frequently puppets and apologists for the military juntas which control the ballot boxes. In any case, none have been democratically elected by the majority of their people in fair and open elections.

They are democratic America’s undemocratic allies. They may rise to power through bloody ClA-backed coups and rule by terror and torture. Their troops may receive training or advice from the CIA and other US agencies. US military aid and weapons sales often strengthen their armies and guarantee their hold on power. Unwavering “anti-communism” and a willingness to provide unhampered access for American business interests to exploit their countries’ natural resources and cheap labor are the excuses for their repression, and the primary reason the US government supports them. They may be linked internationally to extreme right-wing groups such as the World Anti-Communist League, and some have had strong Nazi affiliations and have offered sanctuary to WW ll Nazi war criminals.

They usually grow rich, while their countries’ economies deteriorate, and the majority of their people live in poverty. US tax dollars and US-backed loans have made billionaires of some, while others are international drug dealers who also collect CIA paychecks. Rarely are they called to account for their crimes. And rarely still, is the US government held responsible for supporting and protecting some of the worst human rights violators in the world.”  From The Friendly Dictators.

Friendly dictators

Abacha, General Sani —————————-Nigeria

Amin, Idi———————————————Uganda

Banzer, Colonel Hugo —————————-Bolivia

Batista, Fulgencio———————————Cuba

Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal —————————-Brunei

Botha, P.W. —————————————South Africa

Branco, General Humberto ———————Brazil

Cedras, Raoul ————————————-Haiti

Cerezo, Vinicio ———————————–Guatemala

Chiang Kai-Shek ———————————Taiwan

Cordova, Roberto Suazo ————————Honduras

Cristiani, Alfredo ——————————-El Salvador

Diem, Ngo Dihn ———————————Vietnam

Doe, General Samuel —————————-Liberia

Duvalier, Francois ——————————–Haiti

Duvalier, Jean Claude—————————–Haiti

Fahd bin’Abdul-‘Aziz, King ———————Saudi Arabia

Franco, General Francisco ———————–Spain

Hussan II——————————————-Morocco

Marcos, Ferdinand ——————————-Philippines

Martinez, General Maximiliano Hernandez —El Salvador

Mobutu Sese Seko ——————————-Zaire

Ozal, Turgut ————————————–Turkey

Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza —————Iran

Papadopoulos, George ————————–Greece

Park Chung Hee ———————————South Korea

Pinochet, General Augusto ———————Chile

Pol Pot———————————————Cambodia

Rabuka, General Sitiveni ————————Fiji

Montt, General Efrain Rios ———————Guatemala

Selassie, Halie ————————————Ethiopia

Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira ——————–Portugal

Somoza, Anastasio Jr. ————————–Nicaragua

Smith, Ian —————————————-Rhodesia

Stroessner, Alfredo —————————–Paraguay

Suharto, General ———————————Indonesia

Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas ———————–Dominican Republic

Videla, General Jorge Rafael ——————Argentina

Zia Ul-Haq, Mohammed ———————-Pakistan

“Like so many other, I am heartbroken by the tragic loss of Palestinian life, including the explosion at a hospital in Gaza — which was not done by the Israelis.” — Biden

Both sides claimed the bombing of the hospital was the result of the other sides missile efforts.  As far as I know and as of this writing there has been no independent collaboration of these claims.  Why has not a UN team been assigned to go to the hospital to determine conclusively who was at fault in this terrible atrocious bombing?  Instead, our President with no apparent evidence blames Hamas.  It may well have been a Hamas missile but let’s see the evidence.

“Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they share this in common: They both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy — completely annihilate it.” — President Biden

The Wilson Center, a non-partisan think tank states the following:

“The war that began as an intention to stop NATO expansion and seize control of Ukraine is now being fought over a few regions that have no strategic value for Russia except as a land corridor to Crimea.” — The Wilson Center

The war began to stop NATO expansion, something we had promised we would not pursue.  Instead, we did.  The resulting threat to Russia pushed Putin into a corner.  When any rat is in a corner, it will attack.  That is what Putin has done.  Now we are supporting a war between two countries, neither of whom is a member of NATO.  The real reason for this war is the perceived threat to our economy that a rising Russia posed.  We have already cited China as our next major world enemy.

“Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.  Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and innocent Palestinian families are suffering greatly because of them.”  — President Biden

This assertion that Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people is untrue.  As much as we would like to believe that Hamas is only a small group of terrorists who do not reflect the values of the Palestinian people, it is not true.  Hamas was elected by the Palestinian people in 2006 to govern Gaza:

“Legislative elections were held in the Palestinian territories on 25 January 2006 in order to elect the second Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The result was a victory for Hamas, contesting under the list name of Change and Reform, which received 44.45% of the vote and won 74 of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah received 41.43% of the vote and won 45 seats.” — Wikipedia

“It’s a smart investment that’s going to pay dividends for American security for generations, help us keep American troops out of harm’s way, help us build a world that is safer, more peaceful, and more prosperous for our children and grandchildren.” — President Biden

This claim is so full of baloney that I don’t know where to start.  The idea that creating ever more armaments for the world and growing our military even larger will better protect us is incredible.  It is like saying that more guns in America are going to make us all safer or that the more weapons we can sell to the world will make us safer.  To describe weapons as an investment ignores any economic facts.  Education is an investment.  Childcare is an investment.  The environment is an investment.  Infrastructure is an investment.  An investment is something that returns more than it gets.  Bombs and bullets do not return more.  They destroy more.

When are we going to learn that you cannot have both guns and butter.  You never could and we still can’t.  Either we build a strong economy based on factors that save lives and make lives better for everyone, or we build an economy that will destroy more and more lives.  Destroying lives, even if in other countries, will eventually destroy our nation.

“The security package I’m sending to Congress and asking Congress to do is an unprecedented commitment to Israel’s security that will sharpen Israel’s qualitative military edge, which we’ve committed to — the qualitative military edge.” — President Biden

The United States has given Israel over $260 billion in foreign aid since World War II. This includes:

$260 billion in combined military and economic aid

$10 billion in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome

$10.6 billion in assistance through the Defense Department, including air and missile defense support, and industrial base investments

More than $14 billion for Israel’s air defense system and other weapons purchases

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid. US legislators have long seen Israel as an ally to help protect US strategic interests in the Middle East.

Israel has the most powerful army in the Mideast.  How much more powerful can we help to make them?  When will we stop?  If there are lessons of war, we should have learned by now that a powerful army and many high-tech weapons systems will not necessarily defeat a determined adversary.  The wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan should have taught us this fact but apparently, they did not.

“And let me be clear about something: We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles.  And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores — our own stockpiles with new equipment — equipment that defends America and is made in America: Patriot missiles for air defense batteries made in Arizona; artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country — in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas; and so much more.”  — President Biden

Great, we can clean out our stockpiles and make room for new weapons.

“We are, as my friend Madeleine Albright said, ‘the indispensable nation.’  In moments like these, we have to remind — we have to remember who we are.  We are the United States of America — the United States of America.  And there is nothing — nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. — President Biden

We cannot even elect a speaker of the house these days without violent acrimony.  Our own democracy now teeters on the brink of destruction.  Liars and thieves have become common place in political circles.  A value on ethics and morality has been discarded in favor of opportunism, getting reelected and protecting ones party.  Greed is the lubricant for all our political institutions.  Our country is divided into camps and ideologies that have no common ground nor do they seek any common ground.  We cannot agree that we need to make major changes to protect and restore our climate.  We cannot even get rid of an antiquated measurement system that requires two sets of tools to work on anything.  Yet we have a President who says that there is “nothing beyond our capacity.”

Let’s cut the bull and baloney.  I do not believe that we should stick our heads in the ground and ignore the rest of the world.  I do not believe in isolationism.  But I also do not believe that we need to take sides in all the worlds conflicts.  If we can be guided by the same spirit that guided Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, we can save ourselves and help the world.  But if we are guided by a spirit which values money, oil, and self-interest above all else, then we will surely become another failed empire.

Biden claims that he is making the world safer for Americans.  This is another piece of baloney.  He is not making the world safer for Americans, Jews, Muslims, Arabs or anyone else.  All he is doing is throwing gas on a raging fire.  If we keep going down this path, we will find that there is no place safe in the world for anyone.

“One of the mistakes which some political analysts make is to think their enemies should be our enemies,”Nelson Mandela

Autobiographies from the Dead – Abdullah the Terrorist

For the next several weeks, my blogs are going to consist of “autobiographies” written by some very special people.  They have one thing in common.  They are all dead.  Some have a burial place and some were simply discarded like pieces of trash.  Their stories will be told by the deceased themselves.  They cry out from the fields, rivers and graveyards to speak.  I have heard their cries.  They want me to tell their stories to you.  They want you to know what their living and dying was for.  This week, Abdullah will tell you the story of his life and death.

Abdullah the Terrorist

AbdullahMy name is Abdullah.  My name means “One who serves Allah.”  They will call me Abdullah the Terrorist.  I have killed twenty-five Jews, five Christians and of course myself.  They will call me a suicide bomber.  Calling it suicide is ironic since I did not want to die and neither did any of the thirty people I killed.

I am twenty-four years old and have recently graduated from Al-Azhar University in Gaza with a degree in Pharmacy.   My parents said that people will always need medicine and I could help many of my people with such a degree.  I had always wanted to help people and I thought of being a doctor but I did not like seeing blood.  Another irony, since I probably have not helped any of the thirty people I just murdered and now I am covered with their blood and my blood.  The blood of an Arab mixed with the blood of infidels.

I am not a fanatic.  I did not choose to do this act.  Never in my wildest fantasies did I think I would become a terrorist.  I am not the type of person who wanted to sacrifice themselves for a cause.  I certainly did not need thirty or forty virgins.  I had all the virgins I could want while I was in college.  How did I get to this place?  I should not be dead.  I should be enjoying a good career, a happy family and a long and prosperous life.

Father PrayingMuslim FamilyI was taught by my father and mother not to hate people.  I was the eldest son in a family of six.  I have two younger sisters and one younger brother.  My father was a well-respected business man with a small appliance store.  He had gone to college for two years but dropped out to help his father run a family business.   My mother is a stay at home mom who loves to read, sew, cook and take care of the family finances.  Both my mother and father are very devout Muslims.  My father always told me, “If you hate people, you are no better than the people you hate.”   So how did I become a “Terrorist?”

It began about a year after I graduated from college and after I had started working as a pharmacy assistant at a small pharmacy in Ramla.  The pharmacy was about an hour commute from my home in Gaza.  I had no problem getting a position there as I had never been linked to any anti-Israel activities.  One day, my father was visited by three men in masks shortly after my family had eaten dinner.  We were all told to “get lost.”   My father was given the following message.

“Allah has been good to you. You have a thriving business.  You prosper and your family prospers.  Over the years, nothing has ever been asked of you for your people and nothing has ever been given.  You take but you contribute little to the freedom of our country.  You are a Palestinian but you ignore the sufferings of your neighbors who are oppressed by the Jews.”

“What do you want of me” said my father.

“All we ask is that you speak to your son.  We want him to join us and help his people.”

“My son has his own free will” replied my father.

“Yes, but your son is also a Palestinian and all good Palestinians are expected to help overcome our oppression.  This is not a request.  It could go very badly for your family if you are on the wrong side here.  You are either with us are against us.  There is no in-between.  Speak to your son and explain this to him.”

“Are you threatening me?” said my father.

“We do not threaten.  We speak for the good of our people.  You have been asked nicely.  Please talk to your son and explain how it is to him.”

They left my father with the address of a meeting place for me to go to.

Later that week, my father came to talk to me about his conversation with the freedom fighters.  He told me what they had said.  He told me that he would not force a decision on me and that it was my choice whether to join them or not.  He said that regardless of my decision, he would stand by me and respect me.

Hamas visits AbdullahI would not dishonor my father and mother and family.  I decided to meet with the men whom he had talked to.  At our meeting, it was emphasized that I had a responsibility to my country as well as my family. Terrorist I was told that many of my friends were also freedom fighters and that I would bring great honor to my family by joining them.  I did not really have a choice.  There were no other options.  Thus, I became a freedom fighter for my country or in the West, I became a Terrorist.

terrorist meetingA few months went by and nothing really terrible occurred.  I continued working at the pharmacy by day.  At night, I ran messages around the town and other minor errands.  My family and friends continued on as before and to all appearances nothing really changed in my life.  Then one day, I was called to a special meeting.  Many of the upper level officers were there.  I had seen some of these men before but as a low level soldier I had never talked to them.  One older and very important looking man stood up and said:

“Abdullah, your time has come.”  Your country has need of your services.  You are the only one who can carry out this assignment.  It will require great bravery and great dedication to our mission.  Your actions will bring great glory and honor to your family.  You will be remembered by all of our people and the name of Abdullah will go down in history for your heroic deeds.”

My knees were shaking and I was full of fear but I answered “What must I do?”  I was going to become a real Jihadi.

Terrorist with bombThe next few weeks were full of instructions and operational details.   I often went between my pharmacy and a pharmacy in East Jerusalem to exchange products and some medicines.  On one of these trips, I would carry a package strapped to my chest.   I would probably not be inspected too thoroughly at the checkpoints since the guards were very used to seeing me come across.  They would usually just wave me through.  I did not have to use too much imagination to know what I would be carrying.  The entire apparatus that I had strapped to me weighed about twenty pounds.  It had a large cord with a ring on one end.  The other end of the cord was attached to a detonator.

My instructions were to go the pharmacy where I made my purchases and exchanges and simply act as I usually did.  I was to do this on a typical workday so as to appear that I was simply doing my job.  The time of day that I was to make the trip was between one and five in the afternoon.  It was thought that at this time of day, the pharmacy would be the busiest and there would be more Jews and tourists waiting for drugs or prescriptions.   I was to count the number of people in the pharmacy and note whether more or less were coming in.  If there were at least twenty five people shopping, then I was to yell out “Allahu Akbar” and pull the detonator.

The day started out like any other day in my life.  I rose at 7 AM.  My brother and sisters were all getting ready for school.  Mom was making breakfast for all of us and dad was doing some work on the internet.  I knew it was going to be the last time I would see any of them but I tried to act like nothing was different and nothing was going to happen.  We ate breakfast and I said goodbye to each of my siblings as they left.  As I went out the door, mom reminded me to take my lunch and I gave her a hug and told both my mom and dad goodbye.  I did not say farewell as I did not want them to be suspicious.  It was all I could do to leave my home knowing it would be the last time I would ever see it.

On the way to the pharmacy, I stopped at our headquarters.  Two men attached the weapon to my chest under my tunic.  The officer in charge asked me if I wanted to go over operational details one last time.  I said no and he asked me if I wanted to take anything for my nerves.  I again replied no.  I left for the pharmacy.  Once at my place of employment I went about my normal routine until 1 PM.  At that time, as I had planned, I said that I needed to go to Jerusalem to pick up some medicine and supplies.  This was a fairly usual procedure for me, so no one raised any eyebrows.

I passed through the check point with no problem.  I was greeted cordially by the guards who made some funny remark that I did not catch.  I guess I was too nervous to concentrate on any banter. I proceeded on to the bus which took me to the large pharmacy in East Jerusalem where I often purchased supplies.  I entered the revolving front door and was surprised at how many customers were either shopping or waiting to have a prescription filled.  I started to follow my instructions and count the number of people who were in the shop.  I stopped after I counted at least twenty five people who were there.  I knew it was time.  I took a deep breath and said a quick prayer to Allah.  I reached under my jacket.  I took hold of the large round ring.  I pulled it as hard as I could.  That is the last thing I remember doing.

**FILE2004** Paramedics take care of a victim who was wounded in a suicide bombing of an Egged bus no. 19 in Jerusalem. Eleven people were killed and over 50 wounded, 13 of them seriously. Both the Fatah-related Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. January 29, 2004. Photo by Flash90 *** Local Caption *** ????? ???????  ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??

Paramedics take care of a victim who was wounded in a suicide bombing of an Egged bus no. 19 in Jerusalem. Eleven people were killed and over 50 wounded, 13 of them seriously. Both the Fatah-related Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades and Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. January 29, 2004. Photo by Flash90
*** Local Caption *** ????? ??????? 
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I have never seen such mayhem and carnage.  Even in war movies, it is nothing like this.  There are no words that can describe the horror.  People are screaming and crying and pulling their hair out.  Body parts and blood are everywhere.  People are calling out names and looking through the debris.  People are fainting and others are vomiting.  Everywhere, people are weeping.  Ambulances, doctors and nurses are attending to some injured people while others are being carried out on gurneys.  I look for my body but I cannot find it.  People are cursing Allah and many are swearing retribution on my people.  I am wondering if this is Jahannam and I am in it.  Surely, I am not in Jannah.

“Did I do the right thing?”   This is the question that now torments me.  Did I help my people?  Was it worth the cost to other people? What have I now brought down on my country?  I need to find Allah and ask him these questions.  My soul will never rest until they are answered.

Time for Questions:

What is a terrorist?  What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?  Do you think terrorism is ever justified?   Do you think terrorists might be just like you or I?  Are terrorists cowards or courageous?  What do you think of the comment that the American Revolutionists were considered terrorists by the British during the American War of Independence?

Life is just beginning.

The following deaths are attributed to US military Action during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The toll of Iraq’s war dead covered by the report is limited to the early stages of the war, from March 19 when American tanks crossed the Kuwaiti border, to April 20, when US troops had consolidated their hold on Baghdad.

Researchers drew on hospital records, official US military statistics, news reports, and survey methodology to arrive at their figures.

Total war dead (Iraq) From March 19 to April 20

Between 10,800 and 15,100, with a midpoint of 12,950

Combatants killed (Iraq)

Between 7,600 and 10,800, with a midpoint of 9,200

Noncombatants killed (Iraq)

Between 3,200 and 4,300, with a midpoint of 3,750

Up to 15,000 people killed in invasion, claims thinktank  by Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington